400% hike in number of active cases in one week |07 January 2022

Dr Gedeon and Dr Louange during the press conference yesterday (Photos: Kelly Jean-Charles)
The number of active Covid-19 cases has increased by a whopping 400% over the past week to reach 2487 as at January 6, 2022.
As at yesterday there were 2346 cases on Mahé compared to 621 on December 30, 2021; 68 cases on Praslin compared to 25 cases on December 30, 2021; 68 cases on La Digue compared to 8 cases on December 30, 2021 and 5 cases on other islands.
The rolling average of daily Covid-19 has now reached 301.
“This is a rapid increase over just a period of a week,” noted the Public Health Commissioner, Dr Jude Gédéon and Dr Danny Louange, chief executive of the Health Care Agency, during a press meeting yesterday at the Sheikh Khalifa diagnostic centre to update the media on the Covid-19 situation in the country. They were accompanied by Rita Jean, in charge of infection control at the Ministry of Health.
“As evidenced by cases registered in all districts, it means we have widespread community transmission. All districts have registered active cases and many have more than 100 active cases. The recent trend we have seen has been a rapid increase in the rolling average. The trend seems to be more acute than we had early last year around May. One record that we have sadly broken is the maximum daily number of cases. The highest we have ever reached was 629 and on January 4 we registered 692. The positivity rate has increased dramatically and the most affected age group is the youngsters. Even in the admission we are seeing younger people being admitted,” said Dr Gedeon.
Admissions at the hospitals
Dr Louange shared that as cases are increasing, the hospital beds are also getting filled. “Currently there are 13 patients at the Family Hospital and 25 patients at the New Coast Guard. We do have some positive cases admitted at the Mont Fleuri hospital, even pregnant women and they are the ones needing other treatments. Regarding our supplies, we have the necessary provisions for the upcoming 6 months, but if cases keep on increasing, we will have to order more materials sooner.”
Dr Louange once again underlined how the increase in cases affect other services provided by the hospital. “We need to also protect our personnel in order for them to serve the population and this is why we keep asking the population to please follow the health regulations.”
What vaccines are available, and where?
Pfizer and Sinopharm vaccines are being offered in various vaccination sites across Mahé, Praslin and La Digue. Please refer to weekly press release from the Ministry of Health for details.
When to take your doses?
1st dose – as soon as possible.
2nd dose – as per appointment given for 2nd dose.
3rd dose – at least 4 months after 2nd dose.
When to vaccinate after you test positive (cases)? A person should wait for 8 weeks from infection prior to taking your next vaccine dose due.
When to vaccinate after you are exposed to Covid-19 (contacts)? If without symptoms for first 14 days, you may take next vaccine dose due immediately thereafter.
4th dose is currently available for people with severe comorbid conditions and Dr Louange is encouraging all dialysis patients to come forward for their fourth dose. “We also have to administer the fourth dose to some of the students who have to study abroad and the fourth dose will be administered to others when there is a need for it,” reassured Dr Louange.
Dr Louange also noted that the elderly people who want to get vaccinated can also register with their district admininistrations or their health centres.
Dr Gedeon also alerted that there are some 40,000 doses of Pfizer vaccines and Sinopharm vaccines available and is encouraging the citizens to come and get their first dose or their third dose.
It is sad to note that even if the restrictions are still on, many people are not abiding by them. Both Dr Gedeon and Dr Louange urged the citizens to take their responsibilities. With the ongoing increase, as of today, January 7, all shops will close by 7pm, noted Dr Gedeon.
“What language should we use to tell people to respect the restrictions? We need to break the chain as soon as possible and people should keep wearing their face masks properly at all times. Keep distance from others at least two metres or more especially if not wearing a mask even in the same households. Avoid contact with others and instead of physical meeting, please do virtual meeting and work from home as much as possible,” advised Dr Gedeon.
All shop owners should also up their games in maintaining the standard operating procedures and follow the rules.
Other measures we can apply to break the chain are to keep our hands germ-free, wash them properly and sanitize properly. We have to keep respecting isolation and quarantine rules. If someone is positive in our family, please take the initiative on our own to contact the health centres and protect each other.
Finally, it is the individual responsibility to break the transmission. “We have seen how facemasks should be handled and this is very effective. Avoid gatherings, do things virtually and keep our hygienic level high. It is high time to cooperate and break the chain. Covid napa zorey…. dimoun i annan. Me eski nou pe tande! Covid in ponn, nou pe anmas dizef prezan,” concluded Dr Gedeon.
Vidya Gappy