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Food: Creole-style vegan recipes |30 October 2021

As part of celebrations for this year’s Creole Festival, we present those of you who enjoy vegan meals with a few Creole-inspired vegan recipes.

The recipes have been specially given to us for our readers after we asked Valentina Vidot, a Seychellois and member of the Facebook page Island Vegans Seychelles, to share some of the recipes she has created.

Valentina, supports the vegan lifestyle and with her strong passion for cooking, she experiments a lot with food; she enjoys creating new recipes with vegetables that mimic the texture or taste of foods that she cannot eat.


Pumpkin Pwason Fri

This vegan ‘pumpkin’ pwason fri is easy to prepare and is most satiating. The pumpkin is sliced, battered and deep-fried to golden brown perfection.


For the vegan pwason fri:

-           Pumpkin, sliced

-           Oil

For the batter:

-           Chickpea flour

-           Soy milk

-           Lemon juice/vinegar

-           Salt and Black Pepper to taste


1: Season your pumpkin with salt and pepper.

2: In a bowl, combine chickpea flour, salt, pepper, soy milk and lemon juice/vinegar to form a batter.

3: Dip the pumpkin pieces into the batter and fry until golden brown.

4: (Optional): Place fried pumpkin pieces in the oven for 10 minutes after frying, if you desire a softer texture for your vegan pwason fri.

5: Serve immediately with bouyon bred, satini papay and rice.


Frikase Zironmon Sosis Sale

This meatless sosis sale uses tofu and salt to create a delicious vegan, crumbled salted sausage and it tastes absolutely delicious when combined with frikase zironmon.


For the vegan sosis sale:

-           Tofu

-           Salt

-           Black Pepper

-           Ginger & Garlic paste

-           Oil

For the frikase zironmon:

-           Pumpkin


1: Press the tofu: Place the tofu between a few layers of paper towels, and rest a pot/heavy pan on top to draw out the water for at least 20 minutes.

2: Preheat your oven to 200 °C.

3: Crumble your tofu and add salt, pepper, ginger & garlic paste and oil and mix well.

4: Bake your tofu for about 30-40 minutes, mixing it about half way so that it cooks evenly.

5: Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and cook in a pan until desired tenderness. Once the pumpkin pieces are tender enough, mash the pumpkin and add desired seasonings such as salt and pepper.

6: Combine the crumbled tofu and mashed pumpkin until the ingredients are well incorporated.

7: Serve with rice.

 Kari Koko Pwason Sale ek Bred Mouroum

This vegan kari koko pwason sale ek bred mouroum is the perfect vegan creole meal when you want to make something quick and delicious. It only takes a few minutes to prepare and cook the ingredients, and it's packed with a salty, umami flavour.


For the vegan pwason sale:

-           Mushrooms, chopped

-           Salt

Other ingredients:

-           Moringa leaves

-           Turmeric powder

-           Coconut milk

-           Oil


1: Salt your chopped mushrooms and set aside.

2: Separate moringa leaves from their stalks.

3: Heat oil in a pan, add salted mushroom pieces and stir-fry until they start to brown.

4: Add in the moringa leaves, coconut milk and turmeric powder. Stir, lower the heat to medium and cook, simmering rapidly for 10 minutes until the sauce reduces and thickens.

5: Serve with rice.

Bon appetit!


Compiled by F.P.

Photo sources: Valentina Vidot

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