Assembly’s IAC discusses foreign policy matters with high-level delegation from foreign affairs |28 October 2021

The foreign affairs delegation …
Several regional and international issues were on the agenda of a meeting the National Assembly’s International Affairs Committee (IAC) had recently with a high- level delegation from the department of foreign affairs led by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism Sylvestre Radegonde.
The revised Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) agreement, the outcome of the recent EU political dialogue, the national report submitted to the Human Rights Council this year, the SADC parliamentary forum, the 2022 budget proposal, regional cooperation and matters related to the diaspora unit were among the issues discussed at the meeting held at the National Assembly.
The IAC is chaired by Hon. Waven William.
During the discussions IAC members were able to ask pertinent questions on the IOC’s agreement and expressed the need for a more dynamic inclusion and consultation with parliamentarians as well as the need for Seychelles, upon the ratification of the Indian Ocean Commission Accord, to take the lead to revive the Indian Ocean Parliamentary Association (APCOI) with the assistance of the department of Foreign Affairs.
A request was made to Minister Radegonde that the IOC considers to include parliamentary cooperation in the list of co-operations to enhance political dialogue.
The IAC also discussed several matters in relation with the EU especially regarding the joining of forces to prevent, deter and eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing due to their strategic positioning in the Indian Ocean.
The foreign affairs delegation also comprised the principal secretary for foreign affairs, Ambassador Vivienne Fock Tave, Amanda Padayachy, Jacques Belle, Steve Lalande, Sandra Michel, Bessy Banane and Beryl Pillay.
Minister Radegonde and PS Fock Tave also discussed the objectives of the Diaspora Unit and provided an overview of the 2022 budget for foreign affairs.
The IAC discussed the mandate of the Diaspora Unit and asked questions relating to the policy that will soon be drafted to govern its remit.
Other members of the IAC include its vice-chairperson, Hon. Wavel Woodcock, Hon. Philip Monthy, Hon. Egbert Aglae, Hon. Kelly Samynadin, Hon. Wallace Cosgrow, Hon. Philip Arissol, the deputy clerk of the National Assembly, Alexandria Faure and assistant secretary to the committee Nada Delafontaine.
The IAC and the department of foreign affairs have agreed to continue having regular consultative meetings to discuss foreign policy matters and development and any other matters related to the work of the department.
Hon William enlightened the ministerial delegation on the need to include tourism in the terms of reference of the committee to assist the ministry towards achieving the long-term target of a sustainable tourism sector.
Press release from the National Assembly