Seychelles NATION runs survey to understand readers’ news habits |23 September 2021

The aim of the survey is to get perspectives on who our readers are and their views on our newspaper quality and content
On Saturday September 25, 2021 NISA will launch its customer survey which will target all readers to get perspectives on readership and content of Seychelles NATION newspaper.
Established as a non-budget dependent agency in March 2010, the National Information Services Agency (Nisa) publishes and prints the Seychelles NATION newspaper and provides printing services through Nisa Press. Seychelles NATION provides both local and international news to the general population.
The survey will gather information on readers’ age group, employment status, educational background, reading habits and preferred contents. The aim of the survey is to get perspectives on who our readers are and their views on our newspaper quality and content. The information gathered will be used to improve the quality of our offering with the aim to appeal to a wider audience. We would therefore greatly appreciate if the questionnaire could be filled in, truthfully.
The survey will come in printed and online version. The print version will be distributed as an insert in Seychelles NATION newspaper September 25 and October 2, 2021 editions; and will be available at the NISA Sales Office in Victoria. All forms should be completed and returned to Nisa Sales Office in Victoria no later than October 15, 2021.
“The journalism industry in Seychelles and the world has changed over the years. Although there are more local newspapers, most of those online, there is also a list of new providers and ways to get to news in the digital era. This is why people in Seychelles have been accessing news on different platforms. Since it is the oldest and only printed newspaper in the country, Seychelles NATION believes it is important to gain readers’ feedback on what they like reading in the newspaper and what they would like us to publish. Through this survey we will better understand the people’s news consumption pattern. We hope a maximum number of people will take part in the survey as the results will be important for both readers and the editorial team at Seychelles NATION,” says Nisa chief executive Gerard Govinden.