Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs High level forum discusses revamping district team |06 August 2021
With the aim of revamping the district team, the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs organised a high level forum yesterday with principal secretaries and chief executives from various ministries, departments and agencies.
The forum was an opportunity to createa better working relationship amongthem, with districtadministration offices and the ministry to helprevampthe district team.
Regional district administratorsshared their experiences of the common challenges and successes vis-à-vis their existing working relationship with the various ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). This allowed for healthy exchange of ideas and debates as to how to find solutions,using a positive and collective approach with all MDAs in order to better serve the communities.
Great emphasis was placed on the need to improve service delivery which requires consistent synergy between the various stakeholders as they all work towards a common goal.
Going forward, a pro-active teamwork approach will help allpartiesbetter address challenges at district level.
The forum was ran by Rose-Marie Hoareau, Minister for Local Government and Community Affairs, who called for commitment and solutions from all parties concerned, while promoting community engagement.
She emphasised that the continued support and collaboration from all MDAs are key elements for the efficient administration of districts.
As for local government and community affairs principal secretary Kevin Perrine, he said they were encouraged by the constructive participation of the attendees, adding that it enabled them to better understand each other’s roles and functions.