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Celebrating Christmas away from home |22 December 2023

Celebrating Christmas away from home

Sometimes life takes us on unexpected journeys and we find ourselves a long way from home. Though we might be enjoying the greatness of other countries, this time of the year always brings our souls to miss our homelands.

We start reminiscing and sometimes even tears form their course on our cheeks. The smiles and laughter, the flavours and sounds of Christmas, and the traditions of our families – we start missing them all.

But at times it is not always possible to make the long trip back home to be with family during the festive season and there are many reasons for that. So we try to make Christmas away from home as good as we can.


Christmas in Zanzibar...

Zanzibar is located off the coast of Tanzania, which has a rich history, a beautiful culture, majestic historical sites and stunning beaches. So, in so many ways, it reminds Seychellois there of their birth land.

I spoke to Michel Antonio Camille, a Seychellois man living and working in Zanzibar, on how his Christmas season away from home will be this year.

“Christmas represents a time when we gather as one family and we realise how blessed we are to be able to spend time together and remain united.

“In Seychelles, it was usually having a special lunch with all at home. It represents a time of giving and sharing, and of love.”

The day itself is not just about putting up a Christmas tree and giving presents. It is not just about Santa Claus and parties. It has a deeper spiritual meaning to it. Even for those who are not Christians, Christmas is a time of deep reflection just before a new year.

“Christmas abroad is not totally different if you are in a country that celebrates it. In Zanzibar it will be my first Christmas here. They do not celebrate it as it is a Muslim community.

But there is also a Christian church here where the Christians celebrate their mass on festive occasions.

“So for Christmas, a few of us Seychellois here will meet up together and prepare some delicious dishes, and spend the day together.”

“Fish, cassava, sweet potatoes will definitely be among the items to be used that day. I will be the one cooking so I will do my best to ensure that the creole flavours will be there in every dish. We have to make it feel like we are back home,” he added.

And the dessert...

“Oh I will not be forgetting the famous ladob, or else it will not be a complete Christmas away from home.”

“And of course, an afternoon playing a round of dominoes will surely be on the plan for the day and we will have our Creole music as well. So we will try to enjoy our day together and make it as good as we would have done back in Seychelles.”


Mandy Bertin

Photos: Contributed

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