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CWS brings smiles to little ones from local orphanages in Seychelles |24 June 2023

CWS brings smiles to little ones from local orphanages in Seychelles

The children were mesmerised to see all the different types of phones

Prior to the closure of the Cable and Wireless Seychelles’ exhibition, organised in honour of its 130th anniversary, the telecommunications provider hosted 18 children from two local ‘foyers’ in celebration of Children’s Day, to a special tour at Kenwyn House. 

The children aged between 5 and 14 years had the chance to take a trip back in time and see numerous gadgets that were present before their time.

It was a joyful learning opportunity where they discovered more about various communication services that kept on evolving across the decades.

The children, a group of boys and girls, were from the local orphanages of Foyer de Nazareth and Foyer de la Providence. The curious nature of the kids came to light during the tour as they had many questions for the team at CWS.

The company hopes that this was a fun way to learn history and that the children made some memories that they will cherish.

The educational outing ended with a special treat at Moloko Restaurant where they had lunch and the chance to play and dance as there was a DJ present to liven up the afternoon.

It was a moment of sheer joy and excitement as the children’s faces brightened up.

To end the day, representatives of CWS presented the kids with gifts and they each walked away with their very own 130th T-shirt as part of the company’s memorabilia for the occasion.

“We decided to host this activity to provide some more education about our sector to the children who will be shaping our tomorrow. We think it is important for kids to better understand the evolution of technology and telecommunications throughout the years, especially as now the telecoms industry has become an essential service which improves the lives of our youth in many ways. Children are a key part of our future and they need to be nurtured and valued. We were pleased to have brought smiles to their faces and hope that they were filled with as much enthusiasm for the future as we are,” stated the director of marketing, Jean Hassan.



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