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President Ramkalawan visits key sites affected by heavy rain |10 May 2021

President Ramkalawan visits key sites affected by heavy rain

President Wavel Ramkalawan yesterday visited various locations on the island affected by heavy rains and persistent bad weather (see lead story).

He visited farmers at Anse Royale and Au Cap, then proceeded to Anse Boileau to see first hand the drainage issues that need to be addressed immediately.

President Ramkalawan has also instructed the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Climate Change, Flavien Joubert, to order an immediate stop on all works where marshes are being reclaimed and requested those who have blocked marshes to restore them in order to prevent further flooding.

The President is urging all citizens in line with the bad weather alert issued by the Seychelles Meteorological Services to adhere to the guidance and instructions of all the relevant authorities and to remain safe.

The accompanying photos show President Ramkalawan visiting the various sites affected by heavy rains yesterday.


Press release from State House

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