April Autism Awareness Month - Real life autism story series ‘My whole world tumbled down upon learning of my daughter’s diagnosis’ |30 April 2021

My personal journey into the world of autism began just over eight years ago when my lovely daughter Elsah was diagnosed with this condition at the age of four.
“The feeling was quite moving and I felt my whole world come tumbling down upon learning of my daughter’s diagnosis from her pediatrician,” Aisha Brutus, Elsah’s mum, recalled.
“I was given the contact number of a parent who was a member of the ‘Pearl Seychelles Association’ presently known as ‘Autism Seychelles’. After talking to this kind and spirited lady who also has an autistic son, I regained courage to face the situation with renewed strength and vigour.
The journey with my autistic child has not been an easy one given that my daughter had succumbed to a lot of developmental delays mainly speech and behavioural. But over time, with speech therapists’ and occupational therapists’ help, her speech and concentration has gradually improved.
Elsah is a cute, little angel who is loving, friendly, energetic, smart and full of life. At 11, she has developed greater passion for singing and dancing. She can mime songs she listens to on radio and TV. She even mimics the singers’ tone of voice. We often joke that she could become a famous singer in future. I was even thinking of contacting the person in charge of the children’s choir to enroll her.
The funny part is whenever she gets a new play station, as her mother I try to figure out how to use it, but with her, she would have already figured out despite not knowing how to read.
“Elsah amazes us as a family at how she operates the laptop like a pro as no one has ever taught her.
My ultimate hope is that one day autistic children will live in a world where they will be accepted and appreciated, in spite of their differences,” Ms Brutus said.