Finance minister hosts his first CEO/chairperson of the board forum |29 April 2021

Tuesday’s meeting in full swing
The Minister for Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan, has hosted his first CEO/chairperson of the board forum.
The meeting, held on Tuesday April 27 at Liberty House, brought together all chief executives (CEOs) and chairpersons of the board of budget dependent entities which fall under the purview of the ministry.
Minister Hassan explained that it is necessary for the ministry to host such a meeting to bring together the heads of these organisations because they have to ensure they all have a common strategy and are aligned towards the overall national objectives.
“The ministry is the linkage between all these entities, so we have to be consistent with our message and that we are all going in the same direction. The entities need to know what is expected of them.”
The forum will enable these entities to network, connect and collaborate by sharing their experiences, best practices and challenges they are facing, especially on their operation and how best to overcome and move forward.
“By meeting every so often, we can ensure that no entity under the purview of the ministry is working in silos,” said Minister Hassan.
The participants have expressed their support for the forum, as it will allow them to build trust among each other, which will improve their working relationship, not only between the heads but among the entities.
The focus of the meeting was on;
- Improving communication, both within and externally to ensure coordination
- Drafting a Performance Management Plan/Strategic Plan which will help in the evaluation of performance
- Digitalisation of services
- Drafting a Code of Governance
- Challenges they face when it comes to remuneration/promotion/recruitment of staff
The meeting on Tuesday is the first in a series that the ministry is organising, to ensure a commonality of purpose and delivery for all entities under its purview.
Present at Tuesday’s meeting were representatives from Fair Trading Commission, Public Enterprise Monitoring Commission, Seychelles Revenue Commission, Seychelles Licensing Authority, Financial Intelligence Unit, National Tender Board, Seychelles Postal Services, and National Bureau of Statistics.
Next week, the ministry will meet with CEOs and chairpersons of boards of entities that are not budget dependent, but the ministry has oversight over.
Press release from the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Trade