Swimming: Mind Over Matter Challenge |09 April 2021

Felicity Passon to swim for mental health awareness and support
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
As we may know, many have recently suffered from mental health-related issues due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, including sickness, loss of a close one, jobs at stake, mental stress and financial strains among others.
We may not realise it, but even people within our own social circles and organisation may have been directly or indirectly impacted by mental health issues, which may be possibly affecting their work or home environment.
It is within that spirit that local seasoned female swimmer Felicity Passon, with the backing of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Family is organising and coordinating a charity swim challenge which will go towards a mental health project which she holds at heart.
Through the challenge she intends to raise funds from donors to finance an earmarked project.
The project consists of extending psychosocial support to the general public through the establishment of a ‘Telephone and E-Counselling service’ by certified professionals.
The support will help affected individuals with a safe and confidential area to talk about their issues as well as providing them with coping skills that will have a positive impact on their lives.
The event will consist of Felicity swimming from La Digue to Praslin and back (approximately 15km) on the morning of Saturday April 24, 2021.
Although she has never done anything like this before, this is something Felicity wants to push herself mentally and physically to achieve.
As the event name suggests ‒ Mind Over Matter Challenge ‒, Felicity is challenging herself to raise awareness towards mental health.
With the current economic challenges that the country is facing, she wants to help alleviate any additional financial burden on the government by playing her part and help the population in getting the mental health support needed to navigate through the current climate.
The power of the mind to overcome physical limitations
“This challenge will consist of me swimming from La Digue to Praslin and back. I have never done anything like this before, but it is something I want to push myself mentally and physically to achieve. I am doing this challenge, not only for myself, but to raise awareness for mental health. Mental health is something that many of us battle with, and with the pandemic, many have suffered even more through sickness, loss of a dear one, job insecurity, confinement, financial constraints, stress etc... With all these pressures, this project has the potential to have a meaningful impact on people’s lives,” said Felicity who added that she wants to play her role to support people, just like the community has supported her in the past.
“Mental health is something that I hold dear to me, and I’m sure many of you do too. I would be so grateful for your support through donations to help get this project off the ground. I hope that my challenge can also help to inspire others to play their part, in their own way, to contribute towards our community. A small gesture can sometimes go a long way. Be bold – know that you can achieve anything you put your mind to and that you are strong enough to overcome your sufferings. More so, do it for a right cause because you care,” she added.
Passon is Seychelles’ swimming golden girl and reigning Sportswoman of the Year.
In 2019, Passon proved herself as a dominant force in the pools at both regional and continental levels.
A three-time Young Female Athlete of the Year winner in 2014, 2015 and 2016, Passon won 11 medals – seven gold, three silver (one individual and two in relays) and one bronze – at the 10th Indian Ocean Islands Games (IOIG) to become Seychelles’ best ever swimmer at these Games. She beat Shrone Austin who won 10 medals – 7 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze – at the 7th IOIG in Madagascar in 2007.
At the 12th African Games in Rabat, Morocco in August, Passon won four medals – two gold, a silver and a bronze.
The exploit made her the first Seychellois swimmer to win a gold medal at the African Games.
Below are the details for donations
Branch: MCB Main Branch
Account Name: Felicity Swim
Account No: 00000736047
Compiled by Roland Duval