Seven projects to be funded from SeyCCAT 2nd blue grants fund |04 April 2019

Seven projects aimed at supporting marine protected areas, sustainable fisheries, and other activities that contribute substantially to the conservation, protection and maintenance of biodiversity and adaptation to climate change will be funded under the second Blue Grants Fund of R4,953,438.30.
The Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) made the announcement on Friday.
SeyCCAT is an independent trust fund, with a mandate to provide a sustainable flow of funds to support such projects.
This year, following a competitive, two-stage application process, a total of R4,953,438.30 will be disbursed to fund seven project partnerships to co-deliver on SeyCCAT’s strategic objectives. The board of SeyCCAT has approved the following projects:
1. Currents of change: Empowering and educating in Seychelles by investigating marine plastic pathways, composition, and recyclability alongside the removal of marine plastic pollution from the iconic world heritage site of Aldabra Atoll – Post-expedition education and outreach following the Aldabra Clean-up, including up cycling and re-purposing of the waste. Led by the Seychelles Islands Foundation and its partner, the Queen’s College, University of Oxford.
2. Assessing the effectiveness of Curieuse Marine National Park in the protection of the critical early life stages of sickle fin lemon sharks (Negaprionacutidens) – Led by the Global Vision International and its partners: Seychelles National Parks Authority, University of Seychelles, James Michel Blue Economy Research Institute.
3. First use of satellite telemetry on small pelagic and abundant seabirds (juvenile sooty terns) to define potential marine protected areas through identification of foraging areas used during the gaining of independence from their parents–Led by Rachel Bristol and its partners: Bird Island Eco-Lodge, Seychelles Christine Larose, WildWingsBird Management, Seychelles Prof Chris Feare, WildWingsBird Management, UK.
4. Blue Economy Entrepreneurs – Creating smart, sustainable and shared prosperity through entrepreneurship ecosystem assessment and training – Led by Eco-Sol Consulting Pty Ltd (Seychelles) and its partners: Andrew Zimbroff (Assistant Professor), The University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
5. Assessment and Valuation of the parrot fish fishery to support an ecosystem approach to fisheries – Led by John Nevill and its partners: Seychelles Fishing Authority, and the Green Islands Foundation.
6. Abundance, habitat selection and movements at sea of the Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) as informative tools for conservation within the Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan – Led by the Island Conservation Society and its partners: Island Biodiversity & Conservation Centre – University of Seychelles, Island Conservation Society (ICS), Islands Development Company (IDC) and Alphonse Island Lodge (AIL).
7. Marine Biodiversity baseline assessment around Fregate Island, the eastern most Seychelles ‘Inner’ granitic island – Led by the Green Islands Foundation and its partners: Fregate Island Private, University of Seychelles/ Blue Economy Research Institute and the (Zurich, Switzerland).
“This year we had an additional US $500,000 available for disbursement to project partnerships. With funds from both the debt-swap and the blue bonds, we were able to provide grants financing for seven projects that are innovative and will provide valuable data to enhance our understanding of our marine space. It is very encouraging to see the increased partnerships, especially between private sector, non-governmental organisations and academics, to deliver on our strategic objectives,” SeyCCAT’s chief executive Angelique Pouponneau said.
She expressed SeyCCAT’s extreme satisfaction with the implementation of the projects that were funded in the first call for proposals.
“There are many lessons learned from our ongoing projects and it is evident that the most successful projects are based on people or community-driven initiatives that bring about a change in behaviour. We have been impressed with the relationship of trust that exists between and among partners on projects that have enabled accessing of critical data. Furthermore, we can confidently say that collaboration has brought about creative solutions,” added Ms Pouponneau.
SeyCCAT announced its third call for proposals on April 2 with a goal of disbursing up to US $750,000 with a focus on one or more of its five strategic objectives.
SeyCCAT joined the Monaco Blue Initiative platform during the recent March 24-25 meeting obtaining strengthened partnerships with organisations such as Ocean Katapult, InnovaFeed and CLS Argos to support prospective applicants to the Trust and existing grantees.