Seychelles Rising Lions Club’s environmental project Mangrove planting at ISS |05 December 2020

The Seychelles Rising Lions Club conducted an environmental project of planting around 80 mangrove seedlings on Saturday November28, 2020. This was done in collaboration with members of the Seychelles Rising Lions Club and the students of the ‘Eco Club’ of the International School Seychelles. There was around 25 students and members in total in presence of Susan Ansell – the environmental lead of the International School ‒ and Terence Vel – the environmental lead and an expert in mangrove studies of the University of Seychelles.
The team targeted the river area behind the International School on a low tide day when the river bed was visible. The volunteers were divided into two groups ‒ one group was sorted outand handed over the mangrove seedlings from the deck above and the other group was in the mud planting the seedlings with the help of dibber, a special tool used to plant seedling in muddy areas. All the necessary tools, boots and gloves were provided by Mr Vel.
Since soil erosion remains a problem, it is very important for us to protect our planet and the community, and what better way than a mangrove planting project to help mitigate these effects. Mangroves are such a special plant which helps our eco-system in so many ways such as:
- Protects the water quality,
- Stabilises the coastlines by reducing erosionscaused by currents, waves and tides,
- Mangroves peats absorb water during heavy rain, reducing chances of coastal flooding,
- Mangroves provide habitat for many commercial fish and shellfish and thus contribute to the local abundance of seafood,
- Protects many speciesand provides shelter to so many birds and fishes, and
- Mangrovesserve as nesting areasfor so many costal birds too.
With the help of Mr Vel, the volunteers learned about the different types of mangroves that exist in Seychelles. After planting the mangroves, ribbons were tied to identify the different plant types for further monitoring.
“With global warming and the scarcity of so many natural resources, it is our responsibility to sustain our planet and protect it. Living in such a beautiful island, we are on the verge of soil/sand erosions and mangroves are such a vital link to bridge the grounds together, so why not plant more such rich and resourceful plants and help develop our beautiful island and world for a better tomorrow?”said Seychelles Rising Lions Club president Ln. Deepak Babu.
In addition, Ln. Deepak said: “We look forward to do more such activities in the future to help sustain our community and I thank all the volunteers and good souls who came forward to make this activity happen.”
All youngsters who would like to join the club are asked to contact Mr Bau on telephone number 2823714. He can also be reached at email address: sezrisinglionsclub@gmail.comand Instagram sezrisinglionsclub.
Seychelles Rising Lions Club’s environmental project: Mangrove Planting
The Seychelles Rising Lions Club conducted an environmental project of planting around 80 mangrove seedlings on Saturday the 28th November 2020. This was done in collaboration with the members of the Seychelles Rising Lions Club and the students of the “Eco Club” of the International School Seychelles. There around 25 student and members in total in presence of Mrs. Susan Ansell – the environmental lead of the International School and Mr. Terence Vel – the environmental lead and an expert in mangrove studies of the University of Seychelles. We targeted the river area behind the international School on a low tide day when the river bed was visible. We divided the groups into two major teams, one group was sorting out and handing over the mangrove seedlings from the deck above and the other group was in the mud planting the seedlings with the help of dibber, a special tool used to plant seedling in the muddy are. All the necessary tools, boots and gloves were provided by Mr. Terrence Vel.
With the scarcity of soil erosion, it very much needed for us to protect our planet and the community, and what better way could we come up with than a mangrove planting project. Mangroves are such a special plant which helps our eco system in so many ways such as:
- Protecting the water quality.
- Stabilizes the coastlines by reducing erosions caused by currents, waves and tides.
- Mangroves peats absorbs water during heavy rain, reducing chances of coastal flooding.
- Mangroves provide habitat for many commercial fish and shellfish and thus contribute to the local abundance of seafood.
- Protects many species and provide shelter to so many birds and fishes.
- Mangrove serves as nesting area for so many costal birds too.
With the help of Mr. Terrance, we were able to educate and learn about the different types of mangroves we have in Seychelles. After we planted the mangroves we tied a ribbons to identify the different plant types for further monitoring.
“With global warming and the scarcity of so many natural resources, it is our responsibility to sustain our planet and protect it. Living in such a beautiful island, we are on the verge of soil/sand erosions and mangroves are such a vital link to bridge the grounds together, so why not plant more such rich and resourceful plants and help develop our beautiful island and world for a better tomorrow?” Says the Seychelles Rising Lions Club President Ln. Deepak Babu.
In addition, Ln. Deepak said we look forward to do more such activities in future too to help sustain our community and thank all the volunteers and good souls who came forward to make this activity happen.
Deepak Babu 2823714
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