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Young Citizens members and facilitators on Mahé honoured |01 December 2020

Young Citizens members and facilitators on Mahé honoured

Participants in a souvenir photograph after they had been presented with their certificate (Photo: Louis Toussaint)

The Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC) hosted its annual prize giving ceremony for members of the Young Citizens movement on Mahé last Saturday at the SNYC head office, Sacos Tower.

This annual event honours S5 members and long serving facilitators of the programme.

The director for Young Citizens programme, Anne-Marie Adrien, noted that “the certificate given to the youth is in appreciation of their active participation in all activities of Young Citizens during their secondary school years. You have been exemplary youths and you made sure that the Young Citizens movement keeps being active in each of your schools”.

Ms Adrien also advised the youths about their upcoming years and how 2021 will be a new chapter in their life. “I hope that you will continue to make a positive contribution towards the society and take advantage of every opportunity you get. Let us always keep a positive attitude and be responsible in our decisions we take. Learn how to budget your allowance and do not hesitate to contribute at home. A special note goes to all your parents who keep encouraging you to attend the Young Citizens programme,” she noted.

Much emphasis were put on the role of the parents who are still there to guide the youths even after they finish their secondary studies.

Ms Adrien also thanked the Ministry of Education for allowing such a programme to take place in the schools.

One of the participants of the programme, Christine Vidot from Belonie school, shared that she started the programme when she was in S1.

“I have always participated in all the programmes done after school and even during holidays. I always had this drive that was pushing me to be better day by day and with the Young Citizens programme I was able to develop myself by attending classes and sessions given by DRDM, First Aid and Fire Brigade. I also had the opportunity to discover my country through the educational trips we had. I was always shy at the beginning and now I feel confident in my capabilities. I would encourage the youths to embark on such a programme as it helps you become a better human being.”

The programme ended with some nice Christmas carols and all participants were offered a certificate and a gift.

To recall, the Young Citizens Movement, which started in 2004, is a youth programme for school children from the ages of 6 to 17.  It currently hosts thousands of members nationally with the aim of nurturing a sense of citizenship, patriotism, life skills and encouraging positive character building in youths through a series of activities.


Vidya Gappy

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