World Statistics Day |20 October 2020
Connecting the world with data we can trust
The third World Statistics Day is celebrated around the globe on October 20, 2020 with the theme ‘Connecting the world with data we can trust’. This theme reflects the importance of trust, authoritative data, innovation and the public good in national statistical systems.
“As the United Nations marks its seventy-fifth anniversary and the world deploys data to face a common challenge, let us use World Statistics Day to spotlight the role of statistics in advancing sustainable development for all,” said the UN secretary general António Guterres for this occasion.
The celebration of World Statistics Day 2020 is a global collaborative endeavour, organised under the guidance of the United Nations Statistical Commission.
The Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic Affairs is the global coordinator of the campaign, defining global key messages and making available outreach resources to countries and other partners through this website.
National statistical offices act as national coordinators, translating promotional materials into national languages and organising events and outreach efforts at national and subnational levels.
International organisations play a key role in amplifying campaigns at the global and regional levels and organising their own events. You can register your event at
At its 41st session in February 2010, the United Nations Statistical Commission proposed celebrating October 20, 2010 as World Statistics Day (Decision 41/109).
Acknowledging that the production of reliable, timely statistics and indicators of countries’ progress is indispensable for informed policy decisions and monitoring implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, the General Assembly adopted on June 3, 2010 resolution 64/267, which officially designated October 20, 2010 as the first ever World Statistics Day under the general theme ‘Celebrating the many achievements of official statistics’.
In 2015, with resolution 96/282, the General Assembly decided to designate October 20, 2015 as the second World Statistics Day under the general theme ‘Better data, better lives’ as well as to celebrate World Statistics Day every five years on October 20.
Source: United Nations