Everlasting Love Ministry celebrates 10th anniversary with exhibition |03 October 2020
From humble beginnings at the old playground in Victoria to a decade of positive-driven programmes, the Everlasting Love Ministry marked its 10th anniversary with an exhibition.
The Everlasting Love Ministry (ELM) was founded in 2010 with the vision to reach out to Seychellois youths and families through various interventions at community and national level.
The event hosted at the Eden Bleu Hotel however proved to be so much more than an exhibition since the ELM also launched its strategic plan for 2020-2025 and its first ever website as well as released its 10th anniversary magazine Lespwar.
It was attended by ELM’s partners such as the Ministry of Family Affairs, Ceps, National Aids Council and National Arts and Culture Fund (NACF), which funded the exhibition.
All of the partners were presented with a copy of the magazine and ELM’s strategic plan 2020-2025.
ELM’s website provides information on the ministry, its structure, audited accounts, programmes, events and links to other social media platforms.
Jude Fred, founder and executive chairperson of ELM, noted that the ministry and a local bank are in discussions to embed an online payment system on the website.
This is to facilitate donations to ELM, most of which will go towards funding its help centre project, a facility that will operate a rehabilitation programme for those on substance abuse and provide space for ELM’s numerous activities.
The help centre project has always been a long-term vision of the ELM to better bring forth its services and will act as the Teen Challenge – a global Christian movement – branch in Seychelles.
Marie-Michelle Perreau gave a moving testimony on ELM’s impact on her life which, at the age of 19, was fragmented and unfulfilling.
“I was like a boat with no anchor; where the wind blows, I follow,” said Mrs Perreau.
Now married for five years, Mrs Perreau testifies to the effectiveness of ELM’s counselling and programmes.
On his part Mr Fred said: “‘We can do it, we will do it’ has been one of ELM’s main mottos throughout the years because it has been a challenge to start something new – we get a lot of criticisms and challenges along the way – but one thing that helped us is a passion to see our youth being transformed and I believe this vision is still very much needed now in our society as we see the increased number of heroin addicts, in teenage pregnancies, family breakdown[..]but what worries me most is now the availability of cocaine.”
“Our main aim for the next five years is to have our help centre which would act as community recovery programme and drop in centres,” added Mr Fred.
Meanwhile the exhibition was officially launched by principal secretary for social affairs, Linda William-Melanie.
“Everlasting Love Ministry became known to the ministry in early 2012 and was among the first NGOs that responded to the Social Renaissance initiative. ELM was a strong supporter of the Social Renaissance initiative and came up with outreach projects intended to positively impact on youths either in educational setting or at community level,” said PS William-Melanie.
She congratulated the ELM team for their endeavours and noted that it should be proud of the achievement displayed in the exhibition.
Invitees were able to view tableaus of pictures depicting images of activities, categorised by year, conducted by ELM across Mahé, Praslin and La Digue including the popular ‘Bring It On’ spiritual concert and outreach programmes.
Elsie Pointe