Another step towards a greener Seychelles |20 February 2020

Samples of the new bags (Photos: Thomas Meriton)
STC customers will now have a more eco-friendly way to pack their produce as the retail outlets have now introduced two sets of bags to replace the plastic rolls that shoppers have grown accustomed to.
To give more details about the new changes, a press conference was organised at the STC head Office at Bois de Rose. The conference was headed by Linne Dubignon, senior public relations officer; Nanette Laure, director Waste Enforcement and Permit Division and Frederick Kinloch, director of Waste Management and Standard Section of the Ministry of Environment.
“This is part of our partnership with the ministry of environment as well as wanting to provide our clients with environmentally friendly service,” said Ms Dubignon.
The new bags include a bio-degradable paper bag and a reusable mesh bag.
“The two new bags will be used for fruits and vegetables. The paper bag will be used in the produce section and will be available in four sizes with prices ranging from R1.20 to R2.65,” said Ms Dubignon.
The mesh bag can be purchased before shopping at the customer care office which cost between R3 and R4.65.
Ms Dubignon added that depending on the success of the eco-friendly bag in the produce section they will then move the initiative to other sections of the supermarket such as the meat products aisle, but all will depend on the feedback they receive from their customers.
“The initiative is still in its trial stage so we ask the public to use the bags wisely and we ask them to support the new initiative as it benefits the environment,” said Ms Dubignon.
She also encouraged other shopping outlets to follow suit as they are also selling the eco-friendly bags in retail.
Speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Ms Laure encouraged the public to use the bags as we need to adapt to eco-friendly alternatives because Seychelles depends greatly on its environment.
She added that the ministry will be setting new restrictions regarding plastic bags in a few weeks.
“We will now be targeting other businesses to join the initiative and the only way we will be able to be successful is if we get feedback from the public,” said Ms Laure.
Christophe Zialor