Stakeholders to collaborate to put on ‘Talking Climate Chaos’ event |28 January 2020

Numerous recent global events, including the devastating Australia fires and flooding in numerous countries, have served to remind the world of the urgent need to address the climate chaos and be more environmentally-conscious.
While there are numerous efforts in Seychelles towards preservation and conservation of the environment, keen climate stakeholders, namely, the University of Seychelles, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, GCCA+, UNDP-GOS-GEF EBA (Adaptation Fund) Project and SeyCCAT are collaborating to bring the Talking Climate Chaos event, which seeks to raise awareness and showcase to the public ideas on climate chaos and how to be climate smart, at the University of Seychelles, Anse Royale, on Friday January 31 from 9am to 4pm.
Comprising talks by numerous presenters, workshops as well as activities and exhibits, the day-long event will give members of the public of all ages a general idea of the efforts and lifestyle changes they can make to be more environmentally-friendly in the fight against climate change.
The opening morning will see seven presentations including the Cerf Island Conservation Programme, sustainable development, climate change from a senior perspective and energy efficiency and renewable energy. It must be noted that the presentations need not strictly be the traditional PowerPoint presentations as facilitators are free to choose any medium (yes! including song, dance and other art forms) to get their points across.
A further seven presentations are scheduled for the afternoon session on the evolution of the Seychelles micro continent and past climate change, identifying and overcoming barriers to climate change adaptation in small island developing states (Sids), hotels and sustainability as well as international laws pertaining to climate change.
Aside from talks which will be held in Auditorium 2, the day will also be filled with activities and displays. On exhibit at the Environmental Education Centre from the hours of 9.30am to 3.30pm, will be a project on renewable energy by the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development as well as the works produced by the Wildlife Clubs across Seychelles.
Other locations on the university’s premises will house activities by Sustainability 4 Seychelles (S4S), the Plant Conservation Action Group, GCCA+ and the Morne Seychellois National Park, the Seychelles Energy Commission and Public Utilities Corporation, among others.
The event is open to everyone and promises to be a fruitful one where attendees can definitely learn new skills to render their own lifestyles and actions more climate-friendly.
Laura Pillay