Rotary Club of Victoria hosts cardiology talk for public |26 December 2019
As part of its golden jubilee celebrations, the Rotary Club of Victoria organised an essential health talk by an eminent cardiologist Dr Shanmugasundaram from Chennai and two other cardiologists, Dr Madhan from Arizona USA and from Salem, India, Dr Murgua Pandiyan, at the STC Conference Centre, on Monday December 23.
The talk aimed to educate people about food, nutrition and proper diet, as well as the recommended lifestyle changes they can make, to better take care of their hearts and overall health and was organised to coincide with the festive season, a time where the masses tend to not be as conscious about their dietary and lifestyle choices.
In his 30-minute address, Dr Shanmugasundaram insisted on the importance of avoiding accumulation of cholesterol which is the root cause for heart attacks, while he delivered his speech on the topic ‘Cholesterol leads to hear attack, a fact or fiction?’
Attended by a number of doctors, district governor Rajasundaram, the general public and the rotarians with their families, past district governor Suketu Patel said the talk was an interesting one, touching the base of significance of cholesterol.
The club's president Dr Sarka Viktorova, a doctor herself, welcomed the cardiologists and said the talk comes at an opportune time, on account that stroke and heart complications are among the most prevalent health problems in Seychelles.
During the questions and answers session following the talk, attendees clarified their concerns and clarified their doubts. The cardiologist, Dr Shanmugasundaram also listed various factors that lead to heart attack namely improper food style, lack of exercise, physical inactivity and socio-mental stress factors. The panel of experts also addressed numerous issues about carbohydrate intake.
It is to be noted that the cardiologist Dr Shanmugasundaram conducted a three-day cardiologist camp at the Seychelles Hospital four years ago, also organised by the Rotary Club of Victoria.
The event ended with the serving of dietary snacks with enriched proteins and without oil, together with lemon grass tea.