UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, 25th Conference of Parties |12 December 2019

Minister Cosgrow delivering his statement (Photo source: Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change)
Minister highlights Seychelles’ efforts to adapt to climate change
The Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Wallace Cosgrow, attended the High Level Segment of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 25th Conference of Parties held in Madrid, Spain.
Yesterday he had the opportunity to deliver a national statement on the occasion of COP25. In his address the minister voiced out the vast impact climate change has on a small island developing state like Seychelles, and the diverse project and sustainable development Seychelles has implemented to shield the impact.
“Like the many other small island developing states, the Republic of Seychelles views climate change as an emergency challenging all aspects of its chances for future survival and undermines Seychelles’ efforts to fully achieve the sustainable development goals. We are calling on all developed country Parties to honour their commitment to provide developing countries with USD 100 billion per year in climate financing by 2020 as pledged. The world cannot succeed in addressing climate change without ambitious ocean climate action. Seychelles is ready to step up, demonstrate leadership, and encourage others to join in shifting onto a course that is more sustainable and responds to the needs of Sids.”
Minister Cosgrow was addressing a crowd of ministerial and heads of delegations in the high level segment of the COP 25, which ends today.
Press release from the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change