Seychelles receives FAO support to develop national forestry policy, legislation |29 October 2019

Mr Takoukam (left) and Minister Cosgrow signing the agreement
Seychelles is receiving technical cooperation support from the Food and Agricultural Organisation to develop a National Forestry Policy and Legislation.
This is in the form of a new project recently approved by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) – the TCP/SEY/3704 for US $274,558.
The agreement for the project was signed by the Ministerfor Environment, Energy and Climate Change Wallace Cosgrow and the FAO representative for Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles Dr Patrice Talla Takoukam in a short ceremony at the minister’s office, Le Chantier Mall, yesterday afternoon.
Giving details of the project following the signing, Minister Cosgrow explained that it will include the drafting of a national forestry policy, implementing the policy, its action plan and roadmap, carrying out necessary public consultations, capacity-building training, carrying out presentations and discussions of the draft document with different governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, organising stakeholders’ workshops as well as finalising and validating the policy document.
Minister Cosgrow added that the main beneficiaries of the project will be different government bodies which are managing different aspects relating to forestry, farmers, landowners and other individuals who depend on forest resources.
“Seychelles is once again very grateful for the FAO support to better and sustainably manage forest resources which are under immense pressure from other sectors like agriculture,” said Minister Cosgrow.
For his part, Dr Takoukam said this new project follows on two other projects the FAO is currently undertaking – forest inventory and bio-energy assessment.
“This new project will focus on providing Seychelles with an appropriate policy and legislation on forestry which we hope will help the country to fulfill its international commitments in terms of protecting forestry but also to improve on the use of forestry resources for the wellbeing of the people,” said Dr Talla.
John Quilindo, principal forestry officer, stated that at present forestry management is covered under bits and pieces of legislations found in different documents but a National Forestry Policy and Legislation will cover all aspects related to forestry on both private and state land and its management in one document.