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CBS thanks outgoing member of its board and welcomes new board director   |04 January 2024

Jean-Paul Barbier joins the board of directors of the Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) following his appointment to the post, effective Monday, January 1, 2024, for a period of six years.

Mr Barbier has ten years of central banking experience, having joined CBS in 2007 as a Financial Services Analyst in the Financial Services Supervision Division and progressing to Director of the same Division, a post he held until he exited CBS in 2017. During his tenure, he was also delegated the role of Manager of BMI Offshore Bank Ltd from November 2014 to June 2015.

Mr Barbier holds a Master of Finance from the University of Melbourne, Australia and a BA (Econ)(Hons) in Accounting and Finance from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. He is currently in the post of Analyst and Data Scientist at the University of Sunshine Coast, Australia and brings to the board extensive experience gathered over the past five years as a Financial Services Professional, Chartered Accountant and Data Scientist.

The appointment of the new board member follows the end of the tenure of former board member, Bertrand Rassool. First appointed on January 1, 2012, Mr Rassool has served two successive terms, which ended on December 31, 2023. He was a member of the Audit and Risk Committee – recently appointed as the Committee’s Chairperson – as well as a member of the Enterprise Governance of Information Technology Committee (EGICT).

With the appointment of Mr Barbier and the end of the tenure of Mr Rassool, the composition of the CBS Board is as follows:

Caroline Abel - Governor/Chairperson; Brian Commettant - First Deputy Governor; Jenifer Sullivan - Second Deputy Governor; Frank Ally - Member (Ex-officio); Prof. William Ogara – Member; Dr Sherley Marie – Member; James Jean – Member; Jean-Paul Barbier – Member.

Of note, Mr Barbier becomes the second board member to be appointed through the process of the new Nomination Committee, a body set up in March 2023 to assist the Governor in identifying and proposing suitable candidates to be recommended to the President for appointment.  The profile of the CBS board members can be accessed on the CBS website at the following link:



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