Corporate collaboration for the conservation of nesting sea turtles |01 December 2023

Participants from Jouel with MCSS turtle project leader
It is without doubt that Seychelles' natural environment is its greatest asset, underpinning all sectors of its economy, whether directly or indirectly, and that effective conservation of this delicate and invaluable asset requires the involvement of all levels of society.Companies such as Jouel recognise this responsibility and the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles’ (MCSS) 'Adopt a Beach' sponsorship programme facilitates corporate collaboration in the conservation of nesting sea turtles and their nesting grounds on Mahé.
The 2023-2024 sea turtle nesting season marks the third consecutive year that the MCSS has run this programme, with Jouel partnering to 'adopt' Anse Grand Police. The sponsorship programme allows for private sector partners to provide financial support and the involvement of its staff in conservation actions.
This past Saturday, November 25, ten (10) members of Jouel's team joined the MCSS Turtle Team for conservation activities on Anse Grand Police. The day's activities consisted of patrolling the length of the beach looking for signs of turtle nesting activity; the group found two hawksbill tracks, which they assisted in measuring the width of, and were also shown existing nests of both hawksbill and green turtles located on that beach. The group also collected the rubbish that had been washed ashore. Participants from Jouel were able to learn about sea turtle nesting activity on Mahé, as well as general facts about sea turtles. In-field experiences such as this provide an intimate and memorable exposure to these marine creatures and the work involved in their conservation.
The MCSS has been monitoring sea turtle nesting activity on Anse Grand Police over the past two decades. It is one of six beaches situated along the southwestern coast of Mahé that continues to host significant hawksbill, as well as some green turtle nesting activity. MCSS, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, is working towards the designation of these critical nesting sites as seasonally protected areas, which is being supported under the Ridge to Reef Project*.
For information on how you can sponsor a sea turtle or support MCSS’ ongoing research and conservation activities, visit our website or email
*The Marine Conservation Society Seychelles’ Seasonal Protected Areas Project is funded under the GOS-GEF-UNDP project entitled ‘A Ridge to Reef Approach for the Integrated Management of Marine, Coastal and Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Seychelles’ (Ridge to Reef Project). The projects’ objective is to manage and conserve the flow of marine, coastal and terrestrial ecosystem services in targeted islands of the Seychelles for multiple benefits through the Ridge-to-Reef approach.