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‘Thank you teachers for your dedication, patience and love’ – Seychelles United Movement   |05 October 2023

“On this special occasion of Teachers' Day, the Seychelles United Movement extends its warmest greetings and deepest appreciation to all the teachers who play an invaluable role in shaping our society's future.

“Your dedication to education is the cornerstone of progress and development. You inspire our youth, impart knowledge, and instil the values that will guide them throughout their lives. As we approach the upcoming election, the Seychelles United Movement wants to emphasise the importance of your role in shaping, informed, engaged citizens who will contribute to the betterment of our community and nation.

“In the pursuit of our political goals, we recognise the critical need for a strong and dynamic education system. We pledge our commitment to supporting teachers, improving educational infrastructure, and ensuring that every child has access to a quality education. Education is not just a priority; it is the foundation upon which our vision for a brighter future stands.

“In the face of challenges unique to our island, you've been a beacon of knowledge, resilience, and hope. Your dedication to education transcends boundaries, and your unwavering commitment inspires us all.

“As we campaign for office, we are inspired by your dedication to fostering a generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators. We look forward to working closely with you to create policies and initiatives that empower teachers, enhance educational opportunities, and provide the resources necessary for success.

“Your hard work and passion do not go unnoticed, and we are grateful for your tireless efforts in shaping a better tomorrow for our nation. May this Teacher's Day be a reminder of the profound difference you make in our lives and the bright future you help create for our nation.

“The Seychelles United Movement thanks you for your dedication, patience, and love.”


Edwards Anacoura

Secretary general

Seychelles United Movement

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