‘La Domus’ commemorates its 90 years of existence |29 March 2023

- Hosts tree planting along its new nature and historical trail
A tree-planting activity yesterday morning in the newly created trail ‘Bois Père’ behind the Domus was the first among two organised to commemorate the 90th anniversary of La Domus, this year.
The event by the Catholic church of Victoria was done with the assistance of students from Belonie school.
Father David Alcindor said the trees are being planted along a new trail, which will soon open to the public.
“We have created a trail behind ‘La Domus’, which we are calling a nature and historical trail, and the students here today are helping the church and also putting in a little something they can remember if they decide to walk the trail after it is opened,” explained Father Alcindor.
Ten Belonie students took part in the activity along with their teacher, Lucianne Antoine, who said that they received an invitation from Father Alcindor.
“It is a pleasure for us because all the students here are already in environmental clubs which we call ‘Eco-school’ and students love to participate in these type of activities, so we took the opportunity to help the church,” she said.
The commemoration of La Domus, which is the priest residential building in Victoria, forms part of activities worldwide to mark Unesco World Heritage Day 2023, on April 18.
The second activity is a photo exhibition and presentation by historian Tony Mathiot on the history of the Catholic Church in Seychelles that will take place on April 18.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of the tree-planting activity.
Diane Larame
Photos by Louis Toussaint