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Soroptimist Club of Victoria hosts lunch for residents of St Elizabeth Convent |13 March 2023

Soroptimist Club of Victoria hosts lunch for residents of St Elizabeth Convent

As has been the tradition for many years, the Soroptimist Club of Victoria hosted a lunch on Saturday for the residents of St Elizabeth Convent to celebrate the International Women’s Day.

Each resident and staff member received a red rose and a set of toiletries.

Lunch was shared and enjoyed by all, after which the residents seized the opportunity to have a small dance party.

The president of the Seychelle’s club, Myra Labiche, said that this activity is becoming a tradition for the Club where members dedicate some of their time in the service of the ladies who have rendered great services to the country.

“This year we have a token for them – lunch and the traditional red rose. We also brought some music and a film and we hope they enjoy themselves.”

Mary Prempeh Marimba, in charge and supervisor of the St Elizabeth Convent, shared that this type of event brings lots of joy and contentment to the elderly ladies.

“They do not get these types of events often and when they do they enjoy to the max. Currently we have 14 residents and no one is bedridden. Our oldest resident is 101 years old and she is fine. There are 16 staff including two Sisters, one of whom – Sister Rosefine – is also in charge of the convent.”

Ms Marimba also noted that there is a long waiting list and they make sure the residents are in good and safe hands.

Soroptimist Club of Victoria has currently 20 registered members and the members are mostly aged above 40 and come from different strata of the society. The club formerly was affiliated to Soroptimist Europe but as of 2021 a new branch in Africa was opened and Seychelles now forms part of the African group.

To become a Soroptimist member, one should contact the group via social media.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the Soroptimist’s visit to the St Elizabeth Convent.


Vidya Gappy

Photos: Louis Toussaint

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