Seychelles Former Athletes Association (SFAA) |25 February 2023

Members of the SFAA with former long-distance specialist Peter ‘Habib’ Anamole
Encourage, support and promote the development of athletics in Seychelles
After their contributions as elites back in the days, bringing glory to the country especially at international level, a group of past track and field athletes, along with long-distance and marathon runners have been, for a while, sharing their know-how with younger generations of athletes, while also keeping in touch with each other through an association, initially set up in 2016, but formerly registered in 2020.
The Seychelles Former Athletes Association (SFAA) was created to allow all former athletes to stay in touch, but most importantly active, especially after their days of competing are done, through activities for health benefits.
It is also to maintain the value of friendships, the importance of keeping in touch, as well as the opportunity to reconnect with former teammates and friends.
Other than recognising past athletes for their achievements – with some still holding national records – the SFAA also promotes and gives a helping hand to the Seychelles Athletics Federation (SAF) in the development of athletics in Seychelles, while also promoting athletics and its values among the youths, regardless of their gender, religion or colour.
The association is chaired by Joseph Volcy, with Rency Balgobin as its secretary, while Paul Lesperance is its treasurer.
The ordinary members are Danny Benoit, Vincent Confait, Beryl Larame, Linda Jeanne, Giovanni Fanny and Danny Charles.
Speaking to Sports NATION, Mr Volcy explained that other than recognising former athletes who have made remarkable contributions in their athletics careers, the association also supports former athletes who may need assistance of any sorts.
He said members have been very active in different activities, including revamping the long-jump area of Stad Popiler, where members used their own resources and manpower to carry out the renovation work.
Following the renovation, two commemorative plaques where fixed on the sandpits to honour the two past athletes ‒ Arthur Agathine and Danny Beauchamp ‒ who contributed greatly towards local athletics, both at local and international level.
Former chief executive of the National Sports Council (NSC), Jean Larue, placed the plate for the late Arthur Agathine, while former female long-jumper Beryl Larame had the honour of placing the plate to honour the late Danny Beauchamp.
Mr Volcy further explained that as part of the activities, the SFAA also visits former athletes who are in one way or another in need of moral support following illnesses, or serious injuries, bringing some joy into their lives, letting them know that they have not been forgotten.
For this year, on the programme is an athletic competition for June, along with a photo exhibition which will showcase all the achievements of the former athletes.
He added that they will enter into negotiation with the authority to display boards in the stadium, displaying the national records still being held by the former athletes.
This, he said, will be a motivation for the new generation of athletes to push further and perform better to try and break the records.
Roland Duval