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Soroptimist says ‘Grease’ movie yields good return   |18 November 2022

Soroptimist says ‘Grease’ movie yields good return   

The handover of the cheque to the Soroptimist team (Photo: Joena Meme)

Cancer project to be announced later


The Soroptimist International Club of Victoria has received proceeds of a special screening of the film ‘Grease’ by Deepam Cinema last month as part of activities for the cancer awareness month dubbed Pink October.

Yesterday afternoon, a cheque for R14,400 was handed over to the team, led by its president-elect, Janick Durup-Bibi.

She thanked Deepam Cinema for the donation, and everyone who turned up at the screening last month for their contributions.

Altogether 144 seats were sold for the movie which stars Olivia Newton-John, who succumbed to breast cancer in August this year after battling it three times over decades.

Mrs Durup-Bibi said the proceeds will go towards one of their projects, which is yet to be confirmed.

The Soroptimist International Club of Victoria said their last event for the year will be a Christmas Jumble sale in December.


Patsy Canaya


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