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Basketball: SBF extraordinary general meeting |14 November 2022

Basketball: SBF extraordinary general meeting

Jana Malbrook (second right, photo) was nominated as SBF chairperson during Saturday’s EGM (Photos: Roland Duval)

Jana Malbrook takes SBF’s hot seat


Jana Malbrook is the new chairperson of the Seychelles Basketball Federation, replacing Jean-Guy Alphonse who had been in the position for the past three years.

Malbrook was unanimously voted in to the post on Saturday during the Seychelles Basketball Federation (SBF) extraordinary general meeting (EGM) held at the Olympic House at Roche Caïman to elect a new head after Alphonse stepped down a few months ago.

Already a member of the SBF executive committee, Malbrook was responsible for 3x3 basketball.

Other than the new chairperson, the executive committee remains the same with Adrian Pillay as secretary general, Vali Ismael as treasurer, while Riard Balette, Biko Biong, Cyril Agrippine, Lina Lestrange (head of coaches’ commission), and Tracy Moustache (head of the National Basketball Technical Committee – NBTC) are the ordinary members.

As per the SBF’s constitution, Malbrook’s new post is temporary until the next annual general meeting.

Still during Saturday’s EGM, several issues, including that of foreign players, came up whereby there is confusion between what is stated in the SBF bye-laws and the National Sports Policy 2020-2024.

It was agreed at the meeting that a club can register as many foreign players it wants, but can only have three names on the team sheet per match, while only two are allowed on the playing court at any moment during the match.


Roland Duval






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