Belonie secondary school launches Tourism Club |15 September 2022

The Belonie secondary school, with the support of the department of Tourism within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, has launched its Tourism Club.
The Belonie secondary school Tourism Club was launched by the school’s head teacher, Medge Nancy, in a short ceremony held yesterday morning at the Fisherman’s Cove Resort, Beau Vallon, hosted by the hotel’s management.
The school is the 40th among the 43 public and private primary and secondary schools in the country to launch its Tourism Club.
Present were representatives from the school council, the tourism department and from the Ministry of Education.
The launch of tourism clubs in public and private schools in the country is part of the department of tourism’s campaign ‘Lospitalite: Lafyerte Sesel’ to boost competitiveness within the local tourism industry and to promote the country as a destination of choice through a high standard of service delivery.
It is also to raise the awareness of the tourism industry among the younger generation while capturing their interest for a career in hospitality and tourism to sustain the industry.
The Belonie secondary school Tourism Club, which has been in operation before the official launch, has 36 students and 10 facilitators. Under the guidance of teacher, Evelyne Babalalola, the club has offered the students and teachers opportunities to various guided tours and awareness sessions on hospitality and tourism in the country. Among the guided tours included a visit to their host during the careers week where they experienced work life at the hotel and a visit to State House.
In launching the club, head teacher Nancy, who welcomed the tourism club initiative, said that through the initiative her students are learning what customer service means while the teachers involved are working towards instilling in the students a sense of belonging and pride in being a Seychellois, and in being the next generation who will promote the service of excellence in the tourism sector.
Ms Nancy said that the official launch of the tourism club will strengthen what the school has already started, and give its members an open gateway to be ambassadors of tourism, active promoters of good practices in the tourism industry, and be the agent of change in the not-too-distant future, by choosing tourism related careers.
She thanked the resort’s management for hosting them.
Speaking on behalf of the tourism department, Elsie Sinon, who thanked the students and teachers for embarking on the initiative to create the tourism club, said that the reason to focus on the youths to help in cultivating good service in the country has been as a result of a lack of such a kind of service in the tourism sector over the years.
Mrs Sinon advised the students to maximise on the learning experiences as well as from the additional support from tourism related businesses being offered, to decide on career pathways which most have links to the tourism sector.
She added that her department will be in discussion with the Fisherman’s Cove Resort on possibilities to support the school.
In her testimony, Amelia Doudee said that joining the club has numerous advantages such as learning about the tourism sector activities and services, its values and best practices and making new friends.
She added though that they are still learning and eager to learn more about hospitality and the impact of the tourism industry on the economy.
She noted that they were happy to learn that tourism is everybody’s business and not only for the department of tourism and they also have a better understanding of career opportunities in the tourism sector, thanks to joining the club.
Speaking to Seychelles NATION, 15-year-old S4 student, Atchya Pillay, said that joining the club has helped her learn more on the country, to understood why tourism industry is our bread and butter and why the country has been endlessly calling to everyone to protect and preserve it.
The ceremony was punctuated by traditional dance (kanmtole/moutya) performances and a role play by students showcasing a Russian couple experiencing the local hospitality in a guest house.
The Belonie secondary school Tourism Club is the second after Ile Perseverance secondary school (90 students and teachers) with the largest group of students joining the club and teachers as support. The earlier launching of the club along with planned activities were put on hold due to Covid-19.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of the launch ceremony yesterday.
Patrick Joubert
Photos by Joena Meme