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Cancer Concern’s new committee plans to step up its activities |05 September 2022

Cancer Concern’s new committee plans to step up its activities

Members of the newly elected committee

Dinaz van der Lans is the new Cancer Concern Association (CCA) chairperson hoping to bring cancer awareness and prevention at the forefront, as voted for by members during Saturday’s annual general meeting (AGM).

Mrs van der Lans, along with other members of the committee, are to serve a two-year term, until 2024, where they hope to achieve as much as possible in terms of cancer awareness, while also supporting cancer patients and their families.

“I was elected on the executive committee as a member since 2020. I have learnt a lot on the work the association has undertaken and aspired this past 20 years. In fact, I was not going to stand for chair but wanted to remain on the committee to continue with the work we started. I am retired and I think I have the time and energy to do volunteerism,” Mrs van der Lans stated.

“I think the new team made up of a few ex-committee members and some new and young candidates will be a plus for the CCA, bringing in fresh ideas and renewed energy,” Mrs van der Lans stated.

Other members of the committee, elected on Saturday are as follows: vice-chairperson Mirose Laurencine, Arlette Hoareau (secretary), Meryl Clothilde (treasurer), and Maggie Bristol, Gina Laporte, Rosie Morel, Sasha Payet, Marie-Claude D’Unienville and Kannusamy Naidu as members.

“My aim is to make CCA more visible, have more health screening exercises for early detection, raise awareness of tests and healthy lifestyle, provide support through visits and listening sessions to patients and their families, provide spiritual guidance, nutritional advise and family support. We also wish to continue to work closely in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, especially the oncology unit and other ministries.  I also want to revamp the different groups – our professional support group, the ‘Hope for Kids’ and not forgetting the Praslin and La Digue Cancer group,” she added.

In addition to organising its own awareness campaigns and events, the association provides support and financial aid to patients, for instance those travelling overseas for treatments, and their families, providing aids, including wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, and food, also tending to other needs.

Its activities are financed from donations from a number of benefactors and fund-raising activities in collaboration with other organisations and individuals. Recently, the CCA partnered with fund-raising marathon runner Joel Melanie, Falcon Insurance and Pure FM. Staff of certain corporate organisations also contribute a small sum to CCA on a monthly basis.

Saturday’s AGM, the first held in two years, was also an opportunity for members to approve to audited accounts for 2020 and 2021, and to discuss in general the projects which they would like to pursue in the coming months. For the past two years, major projects and events were on hold due to the pandemic.

Chairperson van der Lans will be meeting with her team within the coming week to draw up a plan of activities, and get the ball rolling.

The association is open to all who would like to become a member, and the membership fee is R100.

As it hopes to establish its very own headquarters, the association in the meantime has an office located at Espace building, on the second floor. It is to soon have a full time office manager to assist with membership and the helpline.


Laura Pillay

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