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New lease of life for L’Union Estate   By Patsy Canaya   |28 July 2022

L’Union Estate is expected to get a new lease of life after the cabinet of ministers approved a series of work to revitalize the place and make it profitable, showcase Seychelles heritage and promote a cultural experience.

The proposal by the L’Union Estate Company Ltd was presented at a recent cabinet meeting by the Estate’s chief executive, Derick Ally, its chairperson, Nigel Rosette, and the director for Tourism, Giovanna Rousseau.

In an interview with Seychelles NATION, Mr Rosette said the estate is presently doing well in certain areas with tourism being the main source of income. Since the re-opening of the market following the Covid-19 outbreak, the estate welcomes around 8000 visitors per month.

According to Mr Rosette, the company whose objectives are also to produce fresh fruits, vegetables and meat to ensure the island is relatively self-sufficient, was also doing well in meat production with its pig farming being operational and thriving.

However, he added there are areas that need to be revitalized during the next two years starting now, to make the place more attractive and profitable.

After presenting the concept to the government, they are now moving into planning and implementation stage.

Although he said it was too early to reveal the entire plan to the media, Mr Rosette has announced that a series of high level activities are being planned for the valued landmark located at Anse Source D’Argent, on the third most populated island.

“We are planning to have those high level activities such as equestrian, petting zoo, oxcart tours on the Estate and facilities for action sports. We are also including other works such as extending the tortoise pen, introduce pergola at the back of Grann Kaz to make it more appealing, add a traditional kitchen at Grann Kaz, and rehabilitate the heritage sites as well as recreate the interior of the place to turn it into a standard Seychellois plantation house,” said Mr Rosette.

L’Union Estate Company Ltd is also proposing to add ten new kiosks which will be dedicated for artisans, juice vendors, as well as new food outlets, and promote the sale of souvenirs. There also plans to develop ‘Pti Zil’.

The place is renowned for its large vanilla plantation covering 2.2 hectares with 3,584 vines of vanilla, and another small planation has also been started located opposite Roche La Digue, which is also expected to be a stop for visitors.

The company also plans to add a turmeric plantation and a medicinal garden as well.

Mr Rosette said these developments, especially the vanilla plantation development, will be done in partnership with the private sector. He said that presently one of the challenges is manpower.

“The main issue with the plantation is the lack of workers and skilled hands to pollinate. Other than the local staff with more than 25 years experience with vanilla, Malagasy workers joined last month. We also have a team of four currently that maintain the whole estate and the vanilla plantation and we need at least three more to complete the team,” explained Mr Rosette.

Another challenge is theft. According to the company this is a major loss of earnings as it is estimated they lose around 1300 pods of vanilla through theft this season, representing a loss of revenue amounting to R160,000.

L’Union Estate Company Ltd is under new management since December last year, with a new CEO and chairman and it plans to complete the series of work by the second half of 2024.

It says more details for each project will be revealed next month.

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