Sifco elects new management committee |25 June 2022
Seychelles Interfaith Council’s (Sifco) new management committee for the year 2022/23 has the following members that were nominated by and represent the various faiths in the Seychelles. The office bearers were also elected at the committee’s meeting in May.
They are Archdeacon Danny Elizabeth (Anglican Church) – chairperson; Father Eric Leon (The Roman Catholic Church) - vice-chairperson; Ruby Pardiwalla (Zoroastrian faith) – secretary; Marion Gendron (Baháʼí Faith) - public relations officer; Jean Claude Matombe (Brahma Kumaris Society) - assistant secretary; Muditha Gunatilake (Buddhist Society) – treasurer; Archbishop French Chang-Him (The Anglican Church) – member; Imam Heneka (Islamic Society of Seychelles) – member; Anil Singh (Hindu Council of Seychelles) - assistant treasurer; Sister Alice (Roman Catholic Church) – member; Father Sergios Janosevic (Orthodox Church) – member; Pastor Hermitte Freminot (Seychelles Evangelical alliance) – member.
Some of the pertinent issues discussed by the Council at its monthly meetings included: organising a forum to hear the views of the advocates of the legalisation of cannabis; follow up on the appointments of Robert Moumou on the Covid Platinum Committee and Mrs Gendron on the SBC board; the use of the land allotted to Sifco on Perseverance for a multi-faith building in consultation with the architect; the National Day celebrations; the interfaith children’s programmes proposed by NCC and changes to the Registration of Associations Act.
Sifco wishes all the people of Seychelles good health, prosperity and above all, offer prayers for peace and unity to prevail in our unique country, blessed with a beautiful landscape, clean air and a friendly population of blended multi-racial origins.
The Council will continue to offer spiritual guidance and interact with both government and NGOs for both our material and spiritual progress in a fast changing world.
Press release from Sifco