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Human Trafficking – Drug-trafficking and importation cases   Soopramanien brothers, Gerard Bastienne plead not guilty to all charges   |02 April 2022


  • Equally no-guilty plea from the Iranian nationals


Brothers Fabio and Dario Soopramanien, along with Gerard Bastienne and 11 Iranian nationals involved the cases of drug trafficking and importation, and also human trafficking, have all pleaded not guilty to all the charges being brought up against them.

The Soopramanien brothers along with Bastienne are sharing ten counts under the misuse of Drugs Act 2016, along two additional counts under the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons Act of 2014, and another other count punishable under Section244 of the Penal Code.

As for the 11 Iranian Nationals, they are facing two counts under the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons Act of 2014, along with an additional count punishable under Section 244 of the Penal Code.

In the first count, Fabio Soopramanien (36 years old), Dario Soopramanien (31 years old) and Bastienne (52 years old) have been charged with the importation of a controlled drug, namely heroin (Diamorphine) into Seychelles in a quantity unknown to the republic, while in the second count, they have been charged with importing a controlled drug, namely cannabis resin having a net weight of 130.58kg.

In count three, Bastienne has been charged with the importation of a controlled drug, namely heroin (Diamorphine) into Seychelles while being found on board speedboat ‘Flying Fish’ in the country’s maritime zones, while in count four – in the alternative to count three – he has been accused of trafficking in controlled drugs, namely heroin (Diamorphine) by way of selling, brokering, supplying, transporting, sending, delivering or distributing the said controlled drug.

As for count five, Bastienne has been charged with the importation a controlled drug, namely cannabis resin having a net weight of 130.58kg on board speedboat ‘Flying Fish’, while in count six – in the alternative to count five – he has been charged with trafficking in controlled drugs, namely cannabis resin by way of selling, brokering, supplying, transporting, sending, delivering or distributing the said controlled drug.

In count seven and eight, Fabio Soopramanien has been charged with importing and trafficking in a controlled drug after being found onboard speedboat ‘Valley’ in the maritime zones of Seychelles going to meet Bastienne and another person who were carrying heroin (Diamorphine) onboard speedboat ‘Flying Fish’, similar charges as in case nine and ten, while cannabis resin, replaces the heroin (Diamorphine).

In the case of conspiracy to commit aggravated trafficking of a person, punishable under section 5 (2) of the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons Act, the Soopramanien brothers, Bastienne, along with the 11 Iranian nationals – Phir Baksh Balochi, Qadir Baksh, Mohammad Baksh, Mohammad  Bomarie, Sha Dosth, Avid Boluzai, Abdul Qadi-Khani Nahad, Nasir Khaki-Nahad, Noor Baksh Boluzai, Mohammed Khaki-Nahad and Sameer Bazdar – have been charged with together agreeing to recruit, transport and transfer Andy Bistoquet from Seychelles to an Iranian dhow to then be taken to Iran by deception in sending him to Iran to be a drug guarantee without so informing that was the reason for his travel, and also by drugging Bistoquet to achieve his consent to being controlled for the purpose of exploitation as a drug guarantee.

The offence of trafficking was aggravated on account of Bistoquet being drugged and the offence of being committed by an organised criminal group comprising the Soopramanien brothers, along with Bastienne and unknown others in Iran.

The Seychellois trio has also been charged with by deceitful means inducing Bistoquet to go from Seychelles to an Iranian dhow to then be taken to Iran with intent to cause that person to be secretly and wrongly confined as a drug guarantee, without so informing that was the reason for his travel, and also by drugging and threatening Bistoquet and offering rewards to achieve his consent to being controlled, for the purpose of using him as a drug guarantee.

Lastly, the 11 Iranian nationals have been charged with agreeing, together with people in Seychelles, to wrongfully conceal or confine Bistoquet at places beyond Seychelles on board an Iranian dhow and to then be taken to Iran, knowing that he was abducted from Seychelles with intent to cause him to be secretly and wrongfully confined as a drug guarantee.

The accused will re-appear before the court on Friday April 8 where hearing dates will be fixed.

Lawyer France Bonte is representing Bastienne and Fabio Soopramanien, while attorney Clifford Andre is representing Dario Soopramanien and the 11 Iranian nationals.


Roland Duval




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