Cabinet business More policy memoranda considered |11 March 2022
President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday March 9, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.
Cabinet was briefed on the Hydromet project which is aimed at building regional resilience through the strengthening of meteorological, hydrological and climate services in the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) member countries namely Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles. Cabinet approved for government to sign the agreement with the Indian Ocean Commission for the project.
Cabinet also approved a project to develop an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for the Seychelles power sector. The project will define the short to medium, and long-term vision of the electricity sector of Seychelles, which will look at various elements of the power sector from the least-cost supply to a broader and more holistic analysis of the development of the sector, taking into consideration effects on the wider economy, environment, and society. The project will be funded through a grant from the Middle-Income Country Technical Assistance Fund (MIC-TAF) of the African Bank for Development.
Cabinet was briefed on ongoing work to revise and update the energy legislation including the Seychelles Energy Act 2012.
Cabinet was updated on progress made in the Implementation of the Programme for Results - Strengthening Quality of the Social Protection System. The programme which is funded by the World Bank via a “Program for Results” targets reforms across the social protection system in Seychelles. Cabinet will consider proposals for the structure of home care in its future meetings.
As part of the national response to the economic difficulties the country is going through, Cabinet approved several actions aimed at supporting citizens who are more vulnerable. Cabinet proposed that the Seychelles Pension Fund board considers increasing the employee contribution to the Pension Fund by one percent only, while the employer contribution will increase by two percent. Cabinet also proposed that the Seychelles Pension Fund board considers lowering the current threshold of the maximum pension allocation from R75,000 to R50,000.
Cabinet approved the review of the part rental support to citizens. This will take into consideration the hardship that some families are facing.
Cabinet agreed that based on the concept of social justice, the retirement benefit should focus on the citizens receiving a lower pension. Cabinet requested that a review of the retirement benefit should be done so that the benefit focusses on those in need.
Cabinet was informed that 300 more families will benefit from electricity tariff rebates in their bills.
Cabinet requested that the welfare services expedite the processing of citizens’ applications so the clients can receive a reply in a timely manner.
Cabinet also requested a review of the welfare allocation weights to take effect by April 1.
Cabinet launched an appeal to all government departments and agencies to take steps to reduce costs and refrain from unnecessary spending.
Press release from the Office of the President