Signing of contractual obligation at Anse Aux Pins school |18 November 2021

Rio Kayeri (student rep)
Representatives of the Anse Aux Pins primary school have pledged and signed the contractual obligation on the roles and responsibilities of parents, students, teachers and school management.
The activity took place last week in the school’s hall in the presence of representatives from the Parents Teachers’ Association, the school’s council, teachers and student representatives.
It all started with a reflection followed by the school anthem which was performed by the school choir.
In her address, head teacher Anne Jeremie highlighted the essence of having a very strong collaboration and active parental involvement in the school’s life.
She also reiterated the responsibilities of all parties concerned, that is, parents, teachers, students and the community at large to work towards the implementation of such an initiative.
All concerned parties present were reminded that the signing of the document is a proof of their commitment to say “I Do” towards the realisation of the contract and thus improving teaching and learning at the Anse Aux Pins primary school.
The activity ended with a performance by some students.
The accompanying photos show the various representatives signing the contract.