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Independent School celebrates Teachers’ Day |12 October 2021

Independent School celebrates Teachers’ Day

Principal Andy Esparon addressing the gathering

Last Friday the Independent School celebrated Teachers’ Day with reflection, professional development and snacks.

Keeping Covid measures in mind, the principal, Andy Esparon, addressed all teachers on this auspicious occasion.

His message to teachers included recognition of their “hard work, professionalism, tenacity and perseverance” during the challenging times of Covid 19.

Their struggle and success to learn the new technologies, the policies and online learning were also noted.

Going forward, the school has invested in an online professional development platform called TES Develop, and will focus on developing good classroom practice and other essential elements of teaching and learning.

He also reminded staff that in order to be the best school in the country, in line with the school’s vision, they cannot ignore change and they should always be looking at themselves objectively, adapting a reflective culture and be transformational in their practices.

Among the teachers who joined the principal and chairperson of the Board of Governors, Marguerite Mancienne, in the decorated meeting hall were those receiving long-service awards for their years of dedicated service to the school and its students. They are Roseline Rose (25 years), Lindy Wirtz (20 years), Lynn Rose (20 years), Marie Andre Alcindor (20 years), Meryl Derjacques (15 years), Lushanti Fonseka (10 years), Emily Denis (10 years), and Caroline Mousbe (10 years).

The school welcomed Nathasia Louise and Marie-Ange from social services who ran a presentation on child protection focussing on child protection laws, types and effects of abuse, working with schools and others, and challenges. What to look out for and to report on were also covered.

Although they could not celebrate with the usual Teachers’ Day party, at the end of the presentation, teachers received a small gift and a snack box to take away.

At the same time, Cambridge exams were underway and being supervised by teachers who gave up time on their special day to ensure exams ran smoothly.

The school's board of governors and board of directors would like to thank all the teachers and support staff for their valued work in ensuring the school continues to operate during difficult Covid conditions.





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