SPDF hands over jeep to the Red Cross |01 October 2021
The Seychelles People's Defence Forces (SPDF) has formally handed over a 4x4 Dongfeng Jeep to the Red Cross Society of Seychelles (RCSS).
The jeep is valued at approximately R250,000.
The request for assistance with transport facilities by the management of the RCSS stems from a meeting held earlier this year with President Wavel Ramkalawan who is also the commander-in-chief of the SPDF.
Given that transfers and logistics is a crucial component in the RCSS’ daily operations, such a gesture is an added advantage in ensuring services are delivered more effectively.
The jeep will be customised with RCSS logo and is expected to be used for disaster response, delivery of humanitarian aids to those in need in the different communities and other transportation needs such as the monitoring of risk communication community engagement (RCCE).
The signing of the official certificate of transfer was done by the chief of staff, Colonel Simon Dine, on behalf of the SPDF and Marie-May Esparon, RCSS secretary general representing the national society, during a short handover ceremony.
The key to the jeep was then handed over to the president of the RCSS, Kisnan Tamatave by the chief of staff.
In their remarks, Col. Dine, Mr Tamatave and Ms Esparon spoke of the “importance of our collaborative efforts as partners and stakeholders during times of disaster as part of the National Disaster Response Coordination team”.
The SPDF has been a significant source of support in providing human and logistics support whenever the national society called upon them for a helping hand especially in this time of the pandemic.
To date the RCSS has assisted a total of 285 families, equivalent to approximately R460,000, since the start of the Covid-19 in March last year and continues to do so. Fundings to provide assistance to the affected population were from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and donations from individuals and organisations locally. The IFRC has provided a total of 64,559.03 Swiss Francs since last year for the implementation of Covid-19 activities in the country, including providing humanitarian aid.
The RCSS wishes to convey its gratitude to the Office of the President, the SPDF and all those who have helped and still helping to improve the lives of those affected in the country.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of the handover ceremony.
Press release from the RCSS
Photos contributed