Peace Day 2021 |20 September 2021

IDPC Seychelles contributes to the community
As part of activities to mark the International Day for Peace which falls tomorrow, Tuesday September 21, 2021, the International Day of Peace Committee (IDPC) of Seychelles organised a collection of non-perishable goods/items at the STC hypermarket.
The activity started at 9am and ended at 2pm and the IDPC welcomed contributions in kind and also cash donations.
The commodities and monies collected will be used in good faith by the Seychelles Red Cross for the ones in need and the most vulnerable of our society. Hence, the donations in cash and kind will be formally delivered to the Seychelles Red Cross on Peace Day tomorrow.
The IDPC wishes to express its heartfelt thanks to all who participated in the donation collection and in making it a success.
A big thank you to the general public who contributed generously towards the good cause.
The other activities of the IDPC of Seychelles up to Peace Day 2021 will be a
live SBC Radio AM programme today at 10 am and on Peace Day tomorrow the following activities have been planned:
1) IDPC in collaboration with the ‘Zanfan Losean EZ’ Association will host a tree planting ceremony – ‘My sustainable tree’ – in Victoria from 9.30am to 10am, to be officially launched by the Mayor of Victoria, David Andre.
2) Donations to the community ceremony at 11am at the Seychelles Red Cross headquarters, Providence, and
3) A Peace Talk with students from the Youth Hostel Peace Club at 3pm at the UniSey (Anse Royale) campus.
Contributed by Jacob Terence Madeleine
IDPC executive member, Seychelles
Photo: Kreativity-Seychelles