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Supreme Court reopens with usual pomp and pageantry |11 January 2024

Supreme Court reopens with usual pomp and pageantry

By Vidya Gappy


The Supreme Court officially reopened yesterday with the usual pomp and pageantry that has characterised this annual ceremony over many years.

The event kicked off with a special religious service at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception centered around the theme ‘Learn from the past; build tomorrow’. This was followed by a ceremonial parade from the cathedral, through town, ending at the Victoria Gymnasium car park.

The religious service was presided over by Father David Alcindor from the Catholic Church and Archdeacon Danny Elizabeth from the Anglican Church and featured readings, chants, and prayers from various faiths.

As customary, special blessings were offered for judges, lawyers, court clerks, and court officials.

Among the attendees were President Wavel Ramkalawan; First Lady Linda Ramkalawan; Speaker of the National Assembly, Roger Mancienne; Minister Errol Fonseka; President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Anthony Fernando; along with judges, lawyers, court officials, and other high-ranking government officials.

Archdeacon Danny Elizabeth delivered his sermon, drawing inspiration from the Gospel of St Luke. He emphasised the crucial role of justice as an independent force and being in integrity.

“The judiciary is to stand firm to uphold the Constitution. Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith, be men of courage; be strong (1 Cor 16:13) Paul concluded his 1st Epistle to the church in Corinth. The judiciary is to maintain its integrity and independence.”

“May the justice you deliver be no different from the justice God has for humanity. In this respect, the tomorrow you are to build will at some stage become point of references. This is true because past judgements are always references when you deliver justice.  So, let us commit the judiciary under the care and protection of the Almighty through the Aaronic benediction,” preached Archdeacon Elizabeth.

Catholic Bishop Alain Harel, who was also present, took the opportunity to congratulate the judiciary for its contributions to Seychelles community, and shared how a functioning democracy needs a balanced Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary. “Each one has a specific role and it has to be done with utmost justice and fairness. We pray to God today to bless and guide all these institutions.”

All offerings collected during the special mass were pledged to the School for the Exceptional Child.

The parade after the religious service which featured the Brass Band and members of the Seychelles Police, was led by Chief Justice RonyGovinden and included all judges, lawyers, and court officials. The procession started from the Cathedral and proceeded along Albert Street, up to the Clock Tower, and ended at the Victoria Gymnasium car park. The procession attracted many passersby, who happily captured the moment.

At the end of the parade, all staff joined in a motorcade to the Palais de Justice where the Chief Justice delivered his address (see separate story).

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the religious service and the parade.


Vidya Gappy

Photos: Kurtrine Albert

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