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National standards for childminding services |30 July 2019

National standards for childminding services

The 6th group of childminders during the launch of the training session on Saturday

Childminders get more training


A 6th group of childminders, 24 in total, are currently undergoing a training at the Seychelles Institute for Teacher Education (Site) to learn more about the proper standards when running a child minding service.

The Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD) in partnership with other sectors from Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is running the pre-registration and sensitisation training sessions.

The aim of these sessions is to sensitise all practising and unregistered childminders on the National Standards for Childminding Services for eventual registration of their service. This is in accordance with the IECD Act, 2014, that stipulates a person “shall not operate a childminding establishment without a Certificate of Registration”.

Out of the 24 participants, 14 are currently childminders and 1 comes from a kids club in a hotel.

Marvel Simeon, monitoring and evaluation officer at IECD, told Seychelles NATION that “IECD usually holds training for childminders all year round to cover the ten standards that are required to operate a childminding service. As Site has just opened its Early Learning training room, we deem it more appropriate to hold this session on ‘early learning’ here. As the rooms are already equipped with resources, the childminders can get an idea of what they have to look for to equip their place.

Ms Simeon stated that very soon another training will be organised as they are continuously receiving calls from interested persons who want to start this business.

Praslin and La Digue will be in the picture as soon as a reasonable group of people show interest in these trainings.

“But still, some people from Praslin do come for the trainings and we ask them to keep the receipts of their expenses and we reimburse them partly. These trainings are important as we want all people who are looking after children in their homes register themselves with IECD and learn about the proper standards.”

All sessions are being facilitated by professionals from different sectors and partner agency of IECD.

At the end of the training which will be on August 31, the participants will be equipped with knowledge and skills on how to provide a stimulating, safe and caring environment where children can play and develop life skills.

For now there are 80 people who are registered with IECD and many retired people want to start the childminding service at home.

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