Promoting local arts and culture |13 July 2021

Mr Yakub
Art lovers are constantly in search of the true definition of art and that can include a variety of things that go beyond just paintings on gallery or museum walls.
As the experts like to say, art is all around us; it is omnipresent.
To most people, art comes down to beauty, something that is pleasant to look at on the walls of your living room or your office.
What makes art beautiful is the concept that it’s a product of human emotions, moods and thoughts expressed through different media – such as sound, colours, shapes and images which in return evoke inspiration and imagination.
Leo Tolstoy once said, “Every work of art causes the receiver to enter into a certain kind of relationship, both with the artist and all who receive the same impression. Just as words transmit thoughts, so art transmits feelings.”
An art collector, or if the money involved is of significant support for the artists, can also be referred to as art Patron.
Among the ardent lovers and collectors of local art in Seychelles, Abdul-Gafoor Yakub is one that has been very modest, inconspicuous and yet a strong supporter of the arts, especially visual art.
When approached for his thoughts on art, Mr Yakub said, if you ask him about art, he does not know where to start.
“It is just something I love. Over time, it has become a filter through which I view life. Just look around you; it is in everything. You can find art in the smallest of ordinary things,” said Mr Yakub who then paused and added that he believes art and culture play an important role in society as a whole, and they say a lot about that society.
Below are some direct quotes and comments received from local artists, regarding the contribution and support from Mr Yakub.
Martin Kennedy – chairman Arterial Network
“When it comes to supporting the arts in Seychelles, Mr Yakub is one of our unsung heroes. Choosing to make donations in cash and in kind while keeping very much ‘below the radar’, Mr Yakub’s philanthropy has facilitated a broad spectrum of cultural activity, including performances, public art installations and gallery exhibitions of contemporary Seychellois visual art.
“He supports both student creatives and professional, established cultural players, and is also an avid collector of art, with a particular interest in helping young and emerging artists to progress in a challenging and at times discouraging industry.
“Many citizens will have seen and enjoyed the fruits of Mr Yakub’s generosity – it is just that they don’t know it!
“Without supporters like Mr Yakub, cultural associations would be more highly reliant upon government funding in order to create new works of art and, as we all know, there is never enough money in the administrative coffers to support every worthwhile initiative.
“Mr Yakub’s commitment to – and passion for – culture in Seychelles is exemplary in every way, and is to be commended.”
Egbert Marday – local artist and sculptor
“I have known Gafoor as a promising young student at Seychelles College and, not surprisingly now, a successful businessman, managing the biggest local paint company, Penlac. Lately, however, I have discovered that he also has a deep passion and love for the visual arts.
“During my days as a member of the steering committee of the local art association, Arterial Network Seychelles (ANS), Gafoor had been one of our main sponsors in not only purchasing artworks for his private collection but also in providing financial and other practical support to exhibition openings and gallery improvements despite certain business constraints with the harsh realities of the present economic climate.
“At a very recent ‘Carrefour des Arts’ exhibition, I personally observed him buying from a very young talented artist and providing some verbal encouragement in the process. Bravo Gafoor, Seychelles needs more such like-minded people – ‘We Create Art Creates Us’.”
Michelle Griffiths – A member of the Arterial Network who makes hand jewellery and other innovative art work using various local materials
“Gafoor has sponsored the Arterial Network Art galleries at least twice in recent years and presented donations of paint to the International School Seychelles children for the International School Mural at Mont Fleuri.
“He’s a valued supporter of the Arts and artists of Seychelles, especially visual art. He has also been an avid supporter of community art projects, contributing to the Seychelles art and culture.”
Michella Mazorki – manager of a local Art Gallery (Kaz Zanana)
“Gafoor is an ardent collector of local art, a supporter of the arts. He has a penchant for young upcoming Seychellois artists, such as the most recent ‘Affordable Art Exhibition’ by Terry Moncherry and Nigel Henri held at the Carrefour des Arts in Victoria. Yet he remains very discreet and likes to keep a low profile.”
Lessons that we can learn from art
You don’t have to limit your love for art to one style or period. You can love realism, abstract, pop art and other styles without your love for any one of them diminishing because of the breath of your interest.
Enjoy the unexpected.
It is easy to focus only on those big-name artists when you visit a museum in London or Paris. But you can also appreciate the local and regional art galleries.
An artwork can occasionally have a transformative power by dramatically changing the atmosphere of a room or a home.
Artists can have the ability to surprise, delight and sometimes shock.
It’s sometimes difficult to separate the artist from the art, and for that reason, it really helps to get to know the artist.
“I guess I’m lucky because I get to surround myself with amazing art and meet fascinating, talented people. Life is good,” said Mr Yakub reminiscing.