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Seychelles and UAE team up on Customs matters |10 July 2021

Seychelles and UAE team up on Customs matters

Ambassador Adrienne and Mr Ahmad Bin Lahej AlFalasi during the signing of the agreement

Seychelles and United Arab Emirates (UAE) have agreed to cooperate on matters relating to Customs.

An agreement on the Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters was signed between the two parties on Tuesday this week at the Office of the Federal Customs Authority in Abu Dhabi.

Seychelles’ ambassador to the UAE, Jean-Claude Adrienne, signed the agreement on behalf of the government of Seychelles, whereas Ahmad Bin Lahej AlFalasi, director general, Federal Customs Authority of the UAE, signed on behalf of the UAE.

The signing of the agreement will further boost trade between Seychelles and the UAE, as well as enhance effective border control in both countries as it will provide for cooperation between Seychelles and the UAE Customs Administrations.

The Trade department in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade says “trade between Seychelles and UAE is continuously increasing; this growth brings with it numerous benefits for the two countries, but we also become more exposed to possible unlawful activities”.

It is envisaged that cooperation between Seychelles and the UAE will aid in addressing issues regarding under-invoicing, fraudulence, and counterfeit products at a much faster pace, as well as aiding in ensuring accurate assessments and collection of duties and charges on goods traded between the two parties.

The Trade department says that such “mutual assistance is widely encouraged by the World Customs Organisation”.

“Its benefits include improved exchange of information between Customs Administrations and effective actions against the importation and exportation of products that may affect the economic, commercial, fiscal, social, public health and cultural interests of either country. Last but not least, such agreements make provision for enhancing the capacity and competency of national Customs officials with respect to surveillance and enforcement, through technical assistance and capacity building.”


Press release from the Trade department

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