A booklet for all business incentives |26 July 2019

The front cover of the booklet
The department of Industry and Entrepreneurship Development in collaboration with the Enterprise Seychelles Agency (ESA) have released a second informative tool for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) entitled ‘MSMEs Guide To Incentives’.
The business community have continuously expressed concerns regarding limited openly available information and having to knock and move from door to door to gain information on incentives, many of which are dispersed across various sectors such as the blue economy, agriculture, fisheries, youth, arts and culture.
This booklet, the first of its kind, will serve as the “One Go To” place where businesses or individuals willing to start a business will be able to get information on all government-backed incentives such as grants, concessionary loans, subsidies and tax incentives. The incentives have been categorised by sector with accompanying contact details of the organisation or agency responsible for implementing them.
To grab your own e-copy, you may send an email to industry.entrepreneurship@gov.sc or info@esa.gov.sc or WhatsApp2824018. Alternatively, you can contact ESA on 4289050 (Mahé) or 4237061 (Praslin) for hard copies.