Open letter - Turtle Bay residents voice concerns over “constant flooding” |18 May 2021
To the various media of Seychelles, the executive branch of government, the cabinet ministers, the members of the National Assembly, we hereby address this ‘open letter’ in a sincere effort to articulate the concerns of the residents of Turtle Bay Estate, Au Cap, Mahé, and to dispel the statements made in the national media that after the recent heavy rains “the situation is back to normal”.
We, the residents of Turtle Bay Estate, also express our dismay that absolutely nothing has been done to examine the various causes of constant flooding of the public roads at Turtle Bay, despite the many letters and representations made over the past 30 years requesting the government to assess the drainage problems in the south east of Mahé and particularly in the area of Au Cap.
The Ministry of Environment has the responsibility for the construction of adequate drainage including box culverts and outlets into the sea across the east coast road at Au Cap.
This ‘open letter’ is written in the hope that the necessary drainage projects will be implemented without further delay.
Basil Soundy
o.b.o. The Residents of Turtle Bay Estate
Au Cap, Mahé