Car wash no longer a hassle with Alpha’s Mobile Car Wash Service |17 May 2021

Busy people should no longer find it a hassle to take their vehicle to a car wash service for a thorough clean as a new mobile car wash service can now come to your doorstep.
It is a little over two months ago and in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic that the new mobile car wash timidly started providing the service.
“It was more of a trial when I started as I had no idea how things would go,” 24- year-old Axcel Morel, who introduced the idea, told me of his business whose name is related to his own name.
“To tell you the truth I just wanted to do a trial and see how things go along and whether people would buy the idea as I was not really convinced to start with,” Axcel admits.
He said he did not expect people to welcome the idea that much.
Excited after all the positive responses, the young man started the process of registering his small business but with the increasing instances of Covid-19 cases, he unfortunately found himself caught by the pandemic and is now in home quarantine thus putting all his plans on hold.
Asked how the business idea came about the young man said it was during one of those usual family gatherings for a meal when the conversation turned to a discussion around the ‘Leve Debrouye’ idea and what they could do as a small business to better help themselves in this difficult time and the different possibilities that could be explored. He said one of his sisters is already running a small business of her own.
“Jokingly my mother hinted that the only thing that I was good at if I was to consider a business was washing cars and I admitted that she was right and I said to myself why not take this to another level,” Axcel recalled.
He said it is true that he always takes his time to wash and clean his car and he does that with a lot of love and attention and everybody at home know that he does that very well.
He said from then on the mere thought of translating the idea into something more concrete excited him and his family members encouraged him to go for it and together they helped him to plan everything.
“I used all my savings to buy a pressure cleaning machine and all the necessary cleaning products and other necessary materials like water pipes and extension while my sister sponsored a vacuum cleaner,” said Axcel.
As he does not possess a water bowser and pick up for the moment, after receiving a call from a client the young man goes to her or his home free of any charges where he uses water and electricity provided by the client to do the washing of the vehicle.
Encouraging responses
Axcel said the responses he received soon after posting his business idea on social media were really encouraging.
“I was really surprised at the number of people who welcomed the idea for such a service and people really appreciated how I washed and cleaned their transport. In some cases there were marks that they could not remove themselves but I managed to remove for them and they showed great appreciation for the outcome of my work.
Employed at the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) as an airside operation officer, Axcel works shifts and he organises and fits his car washing operations in the hours as soon as he finishes his shifts.
He said most of the time people easily agree on the time he proposes.
From the few weeks that he has kicked off his business Axcel said he has the support of a good friend who accompanies him on most of his rounds but unfortunately for a couple of weeks now he has been grounded because of the surge in Covid-19 cases and being on home quarantine himself.
But Axcel stressed that as soon as the Covid-19 situation improves he will resume the process to register his business initiative and get himself better organised.
Promising future
In spite of the difficult economic situation reigning in the country as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic which is impacting negatively on many businesses, Axcel is optimistic his mobile car wash initiative will do well.
“The potential for development is there and I am convinced that it will do well as mind you many vehicle owners are not too keen on the cleaning part and they would readily welcome somebody to do that part for them,” said Axcel.
At present he is charging R300 for large vehicles and R250 for smaller ones. Clients can also opt for monthly packages of R1100 and R950 respectively.
So if you are too busy to take your vehicle to the car wash this is no problem, the service can come to your home free of charge. But other than bringing the car wash service to you, Axcel can also do the cleaning at his place at Au Cap. He also provides free air freshner for your transport after cleaning.
For more details on the service Axcel can be reached on the following numbers 4372273/2710633/2791381
The accompanying photos show Axcel in action.
Marie-Anne Lepathy