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International Autism Awareness Month - Real life autism stories series |14 April 2021

International Autism Awareness Month - Real life autism stories series


Meet Ethan - Different but not less


Ethan will be 6 this year in May. He was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) at the age of 3.

Accepting a diagnosis is never easy but we wouldn't trade Ethan or his diagnosis for anything in this world. He has changed our lives in so many beautiful ways. He has taught us to appreciate the little things and to see life in a simple yet purposeful way.

Ethan is the amazing boy that owns our hearts. He is sweet, loving, smart and funny. He is not a picky eater and surely loves his sleep.

Individuals on the autism spectrum are often seen as weird or awkward but in reality they are the most beautiful souls. And we are ever so proud of Ethan and his differences.

Ethan struggles with social interaction. We wouldn't say he doesn't cope well in a social setting but rather he doesn't exactly know how to socialise. Most children on the spectrum don't have that natural occurrence. We have to teach him how to adapt to different settings and situations, teach him the slightest things such as waiting, sitting, following instructions, thinking for himself, playing WITH other children rather than beside them and the list goes on... In the past it was hard for us to attend social gatherings and occasions like Christmas with relatives proved to be very stressful on our end. As the years went by and Ethan got older we kept pushing him out of his comfort zone and it soon got easier for him and for the whole family.

Ethan was a late talker. He obtained some speech at the age of 3.5. At the same time he developed this amazing ability to read and spell just about anything. He used to read all the road signs on the street and often spell names of objects without having to see the actual word. He is a bit timid around others and finds it challenging to hold a conversation. At home around us his parents and his sister Grace whom he loves dearly, Ethan is chatty, loud and outgoing. He uses English as his first language, he picks up some creole here and there and is now showing great interest in French. He amazes us everyday with his brilliant mind. Not a day goes by that we do not worry about his future because the world can be a cruel place. But we are certain that our little boy is destined for greatness.

A few of his favourite things in the world are:

- chocolate

- going to school

- going to the playground 

- riding his tractor

- giving high fives

- singing, his favourite song is ‘Perfect for me’ by Justin Timberlake.

During autism awareness month and all year round we hope to shed some light on autism and how each child is unique in his/her own way.

Autism is NOT a disability but rather a different ability.



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