ANHRD holds public awareness education session on line |18 February 2021
In line with measures in place to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the country, the Agency for National Human Resource Development (ANHRD) will this year host its annual public awareness education session online.
The virtual session is open to all students who are considering their career choices, to all employees who are thinking of enhancing their academic baggage, as well as to the general public, through local and overseas scholarship training. The online session will be held tomorrow and on Saturday February 20, 2021, from 9am to 3pm.
During the two days, prospective students and members of the public will have the opportunity to interact with representatives from educational institutions, public and private organisations including representatives from consulates and embassies, and get first-hand information on the different types of scholarships and tertiary training opportunities on offer locally and internationally to suit their chosen career choices.
Participants will also have the chance for a face-to-face interaction through live zoom sessions that have been scheduled for all institutions.
Interested participants can visit to learn more about the participating educational institutions, public and private organisations including the consulates and embassies, and the time they will be making their presentations.
The aim of ANHRD fostering such a culture of training and lifelong learning is to ensure that human resource development matches the evolving needs of the country.
Patrick Joubert