Chat with Captain Lenny E. J. Durup and Ethel Durup |16 June 2020

The La Digue Reggae Bar
La Digue Reggae Bar – reviving the reggae vibes on the island
La Digue remains one of Seychelles’ most beautiful inner islands despite the many developments happening there and it is also one of the most attractive destinations for tourists.
Diguois and visitors alike will soon have a new attraction with the opening of La Digue Reggae Bar owned by Captain Lenny E. J. Durup and Ethel Durup.
Seychelles NATION had a quick chat with the owners who are busy getting the place ready for operation
Seychelles NATION: Please tell us more about your new project?
Captain Lenny E. J. and Ethel Durup: La Digue would not be complete without at least one reggae bar. Reggae music is among the most fashionable musical genres in Seychelles, and it perfectly suits the laid back atmosphere on La Digue very well. The project came into mind while we were on holiday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We visited a reggae bar and thought it would be an ideal project for Seychelles. Enjoying our food and drinks while listening to soft reggae music surrounded by friends and family in a friendly game of billiards were probably one of our best vacation memories. Lenny was determined to start his own project on La Digue.
Seychelles NATION:Where is La Digue Reggae Bar located and describe to us how it is?
Captain Lenny E. J. and Ethel Durup: The bar is located at Anse Reunion, with very close proximity to the beach. If you want an early evening drink then this is a great spot to head. The bar is as you would imagine – made of natural materials and an open view. The bar demands the eye’s attention with its mural of Bob Marley and red, gold and green painting. A portrait of Bob Marley was chosen as the main attraction since he is the founder and father of reggae music. I am certain all Seychellois know at least one or two of his songs! We have tried to incorporate both international and not forgetting our local reggae artists. Big respect for all of you guys!!
Seychelles NATION:What change do you think the bar will bring to La Digue?
Captain Lenny E. J. and Ethel Durup: La Digue does not offer many entertainment options at night. The bar will consist of a cafeteria, outside projector, darts, dominoes, chess and not forgetting regular competitions to keep our customers entertained. We foresee the bar as one which has a relaxed vibe and we hope for it to become a hotspot for nightlife on La Digue, with a mixture of tourists, expatriates and locals. It has a decent-sized space, making it perfect for mingling and socialising. At our reggae bar, it’s not just about reggae music, but also the lifestyle and culture of reggae; surrounded with love, peace and harmony. It will probably be one of the best reggae experiences on the island. For the time being, we will open on weekends only and see how business picks up.
Seychelles NATION:Who will manage the bar?
Captain Lenny E. J. and Ethel Durup: Lenny is a master mariner and Ethel is the accountant and manager of all the businesses we have. We both share the business together and work together with all the ideas etc. It has been a long and bumpy road, but we did it not by taking a loan but investing all we had to make it a true success and we are proud owners. Now we need to work on promoting our business and build up a great reputation for it.
The innovative idea of Ethel and Lenny is another example of how Seychellois can try new things and make it attractive for it to work. We wish the owners good luck in their new adventure.
Compiled by Vidya Gappy