Founder of Indian Hand Block Printing business envisions spreading her magic to Seychelles |30 May 2020
The knowledge and love of the centuries-old art form of Hand Block Printing that is popular in India will begin to spread on our islands as the founder of a Bangalore based company known as Amoha Prints envisions this endeavour through her connection to Seychelles.
Seychelles NATION, through an interview with a representative of Amoha Prints, learns more about Hand Block Printing and the company’s vision to inspire each and every Seychellois to become a creative craftsman.
Seychelles NATION: What is Hand Block Printing?
Amoha Prints: There is a birth of new art forms with every generation. There are art forms that endure the test of time and some that cannot stand against the tidal waves of the ever progressive wall clock. There is one such art and craft form that has stood the test of time and revived itself, and will perhaps continue to stay relevant. The art of Hand Block Printing is one that will marry the forward looking notion of time and continuously create pieces of ambiguity and uniqueness. Hand Block Printing traces its origins back by 2000-2500 years. It came to India, from South East Asia, and has adopted the vagaries of India’s people, culture and beliefs and has found a way to cater to the hearts of millions the world over.
The art of Hand Block Printing is an intricate process that involves blocks that are carefully hand-carved from Teak wood by the block makers. The fabric is prepared and then stretched, to fasten across the printing platform. The desired colours are prepared and the hand-carved blocks are then dabbed into this tray of prepared colour. The process of printing commences from left to right in the desired pattern. The fabric is then left to dry, and the craftsmen wait in anticipation for the outcome.
Seychelles NATION: Tell us about Amoha Prints.
Amoha Prints: Hand Block Printing is an art and a science in itself. This is a centuries-old authentic process and the need of the hour is to create a way for this art form to become a household name. That is where Amoha Prints comes in, being a company that conducts workshops, block printing for brands and sells products related to block printing.
Its entrepreneur, Pooja Gokul, a fine arts graduate, envisioned the first glimpse of the company on a car ride through a scenic landscape. She had an epiphany! Being already very well-versed in the art and science of Hand Block Printing, she gave birth to Amoha Prints which is a Bangalore based start-up, in the year 2015, with a vision to make it: accessible, fun to do and just plain easy.
Amoha Prints has done over 150 Block Printing workshops for Corporates, Weddings, Baby Showers, Private Events, Birthday Parties and many more in several cities of India. Apart from the far reaching workshops, Amoha Prints undertakes several printing orders for many top brands in India as well as overseas. From sarees to coasters, the gamut we cover is extensive. Every process is done in-house. The blocks are all hand-carved from the exotic and unyielding Teak wood. One single block can take a few hours to several days to be carved, depending on the intricacies of the design.
Amoha Prints sells hand-carved blocks and block printing starter kits with versions for both kids and adults. We have sold plenty of kits over the world and are happy to report that for everyone who has received it, the inherent artist and creator within them has surfaced to produce works of art, more importantly symbols of love, for themselves and their loved ones. These kits are great gifting options for any and every occasion. Every kit comes with a tutorial. You can order them on our website,, post this lockdown.
Seychelles NATION: We understand that the founder of Amoha Prints has an interesting connection to the Seychelles. Tell us more about this.
Amoha Prints: Pooja is the founder of Amoha Prints. Her connection with Seychelles took shape when she met her soulmate and native Seychellois, Rishabh Jivan. Their story of love started in an art gallery and from there, it took them to the pristine beaches of Mahé, Praslin and La Digue! The couple has many friends and relatives on the island, all of whom have expressed and shared keen interest in Pooja’s dedication, vision and mission for Amoha Prints, as well as for the art of Hand Block Printing.
Seychelles NATION: Tell us about Pooja’s vision to inspire Seychellois to become creative through Hand Block Printing.
Amoha Prints: Amoha Prints is looking forward to be associated with this heart-stealing paradise and spread the wave of our creative vision to each and every Seychellois, so that they too can experience the bliss that comes from creating and fashioning works of the heart that soothe you from the inside out. Pooja’s visits to Seychelles have inspired so many of her designs for the blocks, colours, patterns and prints, and she hopes to share it with the island nation. She wants to bring this art form through the medium of her workshops to Seychelles, by teaching them to create prints on fabric, home linen and apparel. The possibilities are endless.
Amoha Prints envisions a future where the art and craft of Hand Block Printing crosses borders and helps to unite the entire world, through its kits and workshops. These are trying times. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world to its core and being at home can be a time to redefine yourself. Amoha Prints has come up with ways to enjoy this art form without the need for blocks or dyes! With common household knick-knacks and paints, you can come up with funky prints of your own! Pooja has done a live series with several brands during this lockdown to help all of us get over the lockdown blues. Her Instagram handle is @amohaprints and you can also find her on YouTube (handle: poojagokul), where she extolls the magic that comes from her passion for Block Printing.
Amoha means ‘non-delusion’. Delusion is darkness, and darkness can only be dispelled by the light of Knowledge and Love. That is why Amoha Prints has always believed in spreading the knowledge and love for Block Printing, but now we spread hope, courage and faith to everyone at home. Stay strong and stay safe. Nothing can quell this storm other than our resolve and creativity. So, stay creatively restless, always.
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